The 39-year-old businessman was detained when he arrived on a private plane from Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.
Durov was arrested by the air transport gendarmerie because Durov is on the list of wanted people in France.
TF1 reports that Durov could face charges in France for not doing anything as the founder and head of Telegram to prevent
The platform is used to commit crimes such as terrorism, drug trafficking, fraud, money laundering, selling stolen goods and child sexual exploitation.
French law enforcement authorities believe Durov is involved in these crimes because he refuses to moderate content on the platform, a BFMTV source said.
A court hearing is scheduled for Sunday, and Durov is expected to be detained.
TV channels report that Durov’s arrest warrant is valid only in France and that he knew he could be detained, so it is not clear why he came to France.
Durov has not lived in Russia since 2014. In 2021, it was reported that he was granted French citizenship.
He lived mostly in the United Arab Emirates and has the citizenship of that country as well. Durov also holds citizenship of St. Kitts and Nevis.