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The founder, £ ez, talked about his illness. He spent his fortune on drugs

Adam Konkol is an outstanding Polish guitarist, drummer and composer. He gained popularity in 1996, when he founded £ zy. The band was very successful in a short time, and hits such as “Agnieszka is not living here for a long time” or “Eyes wide closed”, did not leave the top of the charts for several weeks. And although professionally he cannot complain, privately it can be hard. Konkol has been struggling with pulmonary vascular disease since childhood. He just told how he feels today and whether he was afraid of the coronavirus.

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Adam Konkol told about the disease

The musician gave an interview to one of the Polish tabloids. Konkol admitted that he felt very well. He even risked saying that it was better than at the age of 25.

I feel better than when I was 25 and 45. I still take a lot of medications, but medicine has moved on much as far as my heart defect is concerned. Thanks to this, life was once again given me. Every day I take a drug that allows me to function almost as well as a healthy person – he confessed in an interview with “Super Express”.

It turns out that the musician used to spend a large part of his income on a drug that, luckily, is now reimbursed.

My treatment is expensive but already reimbursed. Once it was not like that and I spent a significant part of the money earned on music to save myself. Fortunately, the quick popularity meant that I couldn’t complain about finances, so I managed to survive the worst times. Now I don’t have to worry anymore, because the drugs are on the NHF – he added.

Konkol, as a man with a comorbid disease, was highly exposed to coronavirus infection. How did he deal with the onset of the pandemic?

I was very afraid that if I fell ill, it would be over. The first three weeks I did not leave the house anywhere. I got a lot of anxiety, but my professor reassured me that it is more about immunity, and I have good immunity, so I should not get sick, and if I get sick, I will pass without symptoms. Now I’m more relaxed about it, she explains.

We wish Adam a lot of health!

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