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The Forum of Islam of France (Forif): Delivering Conclusions and Building a New Islam in France

the essentials Brought to the baptismal font on February 5, 2022, the Forum of Islam of France (Forif) will deliver its first conclusions at the Elysée this Thursday, one year after its creation. Emmanuel Macron intends to provide strong support for this new space for dialogue between the State and the Muslims of France. Among them, Bassirou Camara, Tarnais since 2011, played an essential role.

Through the invitation of Forif under the gold of the Republic on Thursday in Paris, Emmanuel Macron wants not only to show his involvement in the issue of the structuring of Muslim worship in France but also to use all his weight to support this new space for dialogue between the State and Muslims, an opportunity that the French Council of Muslim Worship (CFCM) was unable to seize in its time, we observe from the Elysée.

Arriving from Albi on Wednesday evening, Bassirou Camara is one of the sixty French members of Forif. Their objective is to get rid of consular Islam to build an Islam in France which is not under the influence of foreign countries.

Bassirou Camara, 43 years old, co-founder of BGSI-Occitanie.

“I am a computer scientist. We are all from civil society. And we have all been chosen for our involvement in the life of the city. Beyond that, our only common point is to be Muslim, invested in religion or not”, says the forty-year-old who has lived in Tarn since 2011.

Anti-Muslim acts: 62% are attacks on property

“The reality of Islam in our different countries of origin does not correspond to the reality we have here in France,” observes Bassirou. “What we are trying to build is the Islam that we are going to leave to our children with their specific belonging to the French Republic. We no longer want it to be a religion from elsewhere. We want a practice that is adapted to our realities, with respect for secularism and living together.”

Bassirou Camara (here at Albi Cathedral in 2020) is in favor of opening mosques to the public but also of interreligious dialogue. DDM – DDM EMILIE CAYRE

And living together presupposes mutual respect. From this point of view, Forif does not want to stick to incantations, as was the case with CFCM. This is what pleased Bassirou from the start, now rapporteur for the working committee on mosque security and the fight against anti-Muslim acts.

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“I have had more than 40 vision meetings over the past year. A priesthood, but it was necessary. We are going to make recommendations, particularly on the opening of mosques. All our fellow citizens must be able to visit them. Many misunderstandings are linked to ignorance; it’s human, smiles the young computer scientist, understanding. A guide will also be published, to prevent anti-Muslim acts which account for 62% of attacks on property.” A guide adapted to all places of worship, specifies Bassirou who will play overtime in Paris to participate in a working session with the European coordinator on the issue of anti-Muslim acts.
Being a member of Forif requires you to keep a real rhythm.

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