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The forthcoming US election: A Prognosis of Unprecedented Chaos and Instability

The upcoming US election promises to be the most chaotic in modern history, plunging America into a long period of political instability. Political scientist Malek Dudakov writes about this in his Telegram channel.

Electoral chaos. California Secretary is a die-hard Democrat and critic of the ex-president Donald Trump — did not stop him from registering to participate in the primaries. This was influenced by the position of the state governor Gavin Newsom – he is trying to present himself as better and more honest than other democrats, including Joe Biden.

California, unlike Maine, is a large state with a large number of delegates, and it votes early – on Super Tuesday, March 5th. By that time, Trump’s lead over his opponents will be so large that they will all begin to drop out of the race, and Trump will become the de facto winner of the primaries.

In Maine, local congressmen are already preparing articles of impeachment against the secretary of state for removing Trump from the primaries. The Republicans do not have a majority there, so impeachment will not pass, but Trump will try through the court to quickly restore his candidacy, Dudakov notes.

In Washington, Republicans have already threatened to refuse to certify the election results in those states where they could prevent Trump from participating in them. Congress will certify electoral votes in early 2025 and may refuse to accept data from states where Trump was not on the ballot and only Biden and other candidates like Robert Kennedy Jr..

“True, Trump himself again caused a stir when he predicted that neither Biden nor Harris As a result, they will not go to the polls. It is no longer possible to replace them during the primaries. But force majeure is always possible, for example in connection with the death of Biden, which will lead to chaos in the camp of the Democrats. So the upcoming elections already promise to be the most chaotic in modern history, plunging America into a long period of political instability,” the expert sums up.

#recusal #force #majeure #Biden #elections #EADaily
2023-12-30 21:45:00

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