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The former robber still has a hard head

“An impulsive, hothead with a pig character! This is how Me Margaux Bory, the 45-year-old defendant’s lawyer, describes her client, supervised by two prison guards, in the box of the Chartres court.
The man has the merit of the frankness, marking his answers with a half-smile.

According to the elements presented at the hearing, on November 6, near Nogent-le-Rotrou, while he was driving a car, he passed a gendarmerie vehicle. He has his mobile phone to his ear.

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The gendarmes decide to check him. They come up to him. Through the lowered window, they ask him to follow them to park a little further, in order to carry out the check. “Yeah, yeah,” replies the forties laconically, before accelerating. He manages to sow the gendarmes who have raised his license plate.

The next day, the soldiers went to his home, but did not find him. They put a summons in his mailbox. On the appointed day, the man is not there.

Without license…

The gendarmes decide to arrest him at work. They know his past, punctuated by numerous convictions on his criminal record. Most for traffic offences. He was also sentenced to ten years in prison, in 2005, before the Assize Court of Appeal of Versailles, for robberies, in the company of his brother.

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Knowing of his sometimes irascible temperament, they decide to call in reinforcements from the Gendarmerie Surveillance and Intervention Platoon (Psig) to arrest him. What will be worth this somewhat ironic reflection of the defendant, during his trial: “Forty gendarmes for me alone! »

… ni assurance

This day of November 6, when the gendarmes tried to control him, not only did he have the phone in hand, but he was driving without a license or insurance, in a car whose registration document was not in order. For this case, he was summoned to court.

“A real dad hen”

On April 28, when he had not yet been judged, he was checked again at the wheel of another car, still without a license or insurance. He refuses to submit to the alcohol test, describing, in passing, the gendarmes of “marioles”.

This time, he does not escape a presentation before the judges, in immediate appearance, for the two files. In court, he answered the judges’ questions with disarming frankness: “To be able to afford a new permit, I have to work. And to go to work, I need a car. “” You were sentenced for the same facts, by the court of Alençon, to four months suspended, notes the prosecutor. The prosecution should have carried out this sentence. “But do it,” reacts the forties, which provokes an unfriendly exchange with the prosecutor.

“He is a very good person”

A protrusion which also entails the anger of his lawyer: “It inflates me. It shows you everything that it is not in everyday life. He’s a very good person. And he gives you that at the hearing! »
The lawyer describes a man with a tormented past, but who, according to her, “does everything to get by and for his children. He’s a real daddy hen.”
A plea that seems to have hit the nail on the head with the judges. While the prosecutor demanded a prison sentence, with a warrant at the hearing, they chose to arrange the six months firm in the form of an electronic bracelet.
He is also sentenced to a probationary sentence, with the obligation to retake his driving license.

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