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The former Minister of Health: The Chinese vaccine is safer, pregnant women and children are not authorized to take the vaccine

Dr. Ashraf Hatim, professor of chest, member of the supreme committee of viruses and former Minister of Health, said that in the first wave, the infection of children under 6 years was very little, while the second wave began to have infections in young people, but it is less fierce than adults..

He added during an intervention via the “Zoom” application, to the “Egypt Can” program, on the satellite TV channel “RCD”With the media, Ahmed Fayek, that no country can completely cover the country with the vaccine, as China has two Chinese vaccines and they have imported Pfizer vaccine, which is to cover the largest amount of people.

He explained that the Chinese vaccine is the safest because it is the traditional one and has been used during the past fifty years, then the Oxford vaccine, but in price, the Oxford vaccine is the cheapest.

And the former Minister of Health continued: “Nothing says that pregnant women get the vaccine or children under the age of 16, and the health authorities have not permitted them to be vaccinated so far.”

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