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The former electoral partner judged the CSSD candidate from Ústí nad Labem in court

They ask the court to assess the legality of the CSSD candidate, which, according to them, was filed against the will of the party’s regional leadership and in violation of the CSSD’s statutes. The administrative court has a statutory period of fifteen calendar days to issue a final decision.

The party’s leader Jan Hamáček leaves the lawsuit alone. According to him, he has no chance of success. Hamáček considers it absurd that the lawsuit was filed by someone who originally wanted to cooperate with the CSSD.

“It’s a little absurd that someone who wanted to go to the coalition with us in their time is now suing us. It probably says a bit about the structure and character of those potential collaborators. Anyway, soc. dem. as an autonomous political party, it has submitted its own candidate and I do not understand why a political competitor should forbid us to do so, “Hamáček said yesterday.

“Of course, everything was fine and I draw attention to the relevant case law of the Constitutional Court, which clearly states that as far as the internal relations in political parties are concerned, the courts do not intervene in any fundamental way. We are convinced that this is OK and that the lawsuit has no chance of success. Rather, it speaks to what methods our competitors want to use, “he added.

This summer, the CSSD presidency did not approve the candidate of the original three-party coalition Better North, composed of the CSSD, the Ústí nad Labem Citizens’ Forum and the ProMost movement, but approved its own candidate. The CSSD candidates for the Better North candidate then suspended membership in the party.

The Ústí Citizens’ Forum (UFO) and ProMost believe that the constitutional rights of Better North candidates and coalition partners have been curtailed. “We are convinced that the Prague leadership of the Social Democracy, led by Jan Hamáček, broke the law, did not abide by the statutes of its own party and made a trip to us. Whoever breaks the law must expect a harsh reaction. Whoever makes a trip must be prepared to bear the consequences. That’s why we went to court. What about the law if its violation, circumvention, non-compliance and fraud is not punished? ”Said the mayor of Most and the candidate for Better North, Jan Paparega, to file a lawsuit.

“As Minister of the Interior, Mr. Hamáček should mainly focus on complying with the law and not circumventing it. While politicians are selling politicians in Prague, in the squares and in front of schools in the Ústí nad Labem region every day, the government has completely resigned 15 points from the fight against poverty and the government Agency for Social Inclusion, which employs 150 people, has left the region with the most socially excluded localities. people, “said the second candidate of the Better North and the deputy mayor of Ústí nad Labem, Věra Nechybová (UFO).

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