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The former close friend of King Juan Carlos I, talks about the money she received from the monarch – Europe – International

As if the King Juan Carlos have no fuss around you, the BBC released on Thursday an interview with Corinna Larsen, his intimate examiner, in which he reveals data that adds fuel to the fire.

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For example, Larsen said that in 2009 he proposed to her. “I was very in love with him, but I foresaw – I am a political strategist – that it would be very difficult. I thought it could destabilize the monarchy, “said Larsen, adding that that year her father received a visit from the king, who said he intended to marry her.

Larsen and King Juan Carlos met at a shooting party in February 2004. He was having trouble with his gun, and she explained to him what was wrong with it. At first they talked on the phone, and the first date was in the summer.

“We always laugh a lot. We immediately understood each other on many things and we had common interests: politics, history, fantastic food, wines … ”, he said. “From the beginning it was a strong, deep and relevant relationship.”

(Read here: Emeritus King Juan Carlos I is increasingly on the ropes)

When she asked him about Queen Sofia, he replied that they led independent lives and that they had an agreement to represent the Crown.
Larsen added that Juan Carlos had just come out of another 20-year relationship with another woman. Years of travel followed and numerous visits by her to Madrid, where she stayed on a farm next to the Palacio de la Zarzuela.

In 2009, Larsen’s father died. “To my great surprise, right after the funeral, andThe king told me that he had a relationship with another woman for three years “, he recounted.

Even though their love affair ended, they remained friends. At the end of 2009, Juan Carlos told him that a tumor had been found in his lung. “I was terrified. He said his family didn’t know, and I didn’t want to leave him, ”Larsen said.

“Before the operation I slept on a sofa next to his bed because I was very nervous,” he says.

(Read also: Friend of King Juan Carlos says he gave her 65 million euros)

The emeritus King Juan Carlos I.

It was 2010, and the biopsy showed that the tumor was benign. Then the king’s family arrived, and she says team members forced her to leave. “When Queen Sofia and some people at court realized that that his feelings towards me were serious, a high level of hostility developed ”.

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They continued as friends and 2012 arrived, the year of the elephant hunt, the fall of King Juan Carlos and his broken hip that brought their relationship to the media. But Larsen is convinced that in any case it would have been known about that trip. “There were forces within the palace that were working to put Juan Carlos aside, to accelerate his abdication,” he says.

And he also revealed that from that moment he was in the crosshairs of the Spanish intelligence services.

Larsen claimed that her apartment in Monaco was invaded while she was gone. She received an announcement from the security company that referred to the intervention of Spain and asked the king what was happening. He replied that they wanted to protect her from the paparazzi. She believes they were actually looking for documents.

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On the other hand, the head of the Spanish National Intelligence Center visited her and warned her that it was important to be prudent with the press. And, in addition, he assured that he has received threats in which they remember the accident suffered by Diana of Wales.

In 2012, the king transferred 65 million euros to Larsen. It is the same figure that he allegedly received as a commission from his mediation for a Spanish consortium to take charge of the construction of a railway in Saudi Arabia. For this reason it is under investigation in Switzerland and Spain.

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She said in the interview that since 2011 Juan Carlos I spoke of distributing his inheritance while he was alive and assured her that he would not leave her unprotected, although he never mentioned figures. “It was a gesture of gratitude for taking care of him during his absolutely worst moments. “

EL TIEMPO correspondent

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