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The Foreign Minister on the Alaa Abdel-Fattah case: Egypt responded with the necessary …


Wednesday 09 November 2022

Books – Moataz Abbas:

Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry revealed the reasons for raising the Alaa Abdel-Fattah case in conjunction with the start of the ongoing climate summit in Sharm El-Sheikh. Under world leaders and presidents.

The Foreign Minister said: Egypt responded with what it needed and with the credibility of the Egyptian judiciary, which is one of the state institutions we are proud of, and its history is unsuspected.

In the meeting with the program “On My Responsibility”, broadcast on the satellite channel “Echo of the Country”, today, Wednesday, Shoukry stressed that he will refrain from investigating the question in order not to achieve the desired objective of those organizations, which distracted attention from the results achieved during the organization of the COP 27 climate conference. Attention should be focused on the climate crisis, which is an existential issue, not linked to Egypt, but to the existence of humanity and of all citizens of the world.

He added that there is an attempt to use this event to distract attention and harness the momentum associated with the conference.

He pointed out that Egypt and its value are higher than that, and the issue we are in is related to an international climate issue, which we need to focus on, and any provocation on other issues is a distraction and detraction from this great lavish effort.

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