Home » today » News » The forecast indicates that there will be heavy rains this Thursday in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

The forecast indicates that there will be heavy rains this Thursday in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

charges against the police that.hope: we passed with lilianaayende for the specific reportof time, because we wantknow how much water is going to fall, andfor how many hours are we going toneed the umbrellasit’s moving our radarat this time in the afternoon, everythingquiet, there was some drizzlein areas of brooklyn.after tomorrow’s raina drastic change is coming,temperatures are barely in50, then we agreed.tomorrow, in less than 24 hourswe will be just in the four50.the change will be from 16:00 to 17:00tomorrow spring is not going tofeel, it’s gonna feel likewe were at the beginning ofmonth of March.keep that pending, a changepretty drastic.tomorrow he felt sorrows of 51to 52 in the morning “the maximumnow, after the cloudinesstonight, look how the rainstart early hours tonew york, new jersey and larain will not affect us inearly morning hours,but until 10:00 pm u11:00 p.m..rain awaits ussignificant strengths inearly hours of the day, butin the afternoon.if you see the area on the screenyellow and orange, is to dowhat is found nowsame,sc panorama for tomorrow at5:00 p.m.,there i the rain will be a littleintense wings.if you work until 3:00pm until 5p, findthat heavy rain in our7:00 pm, and then in the eveningclears up, and we’ll have thedecline.tomorrow a gray day, of rain,especially in the hours of thelate, but you will need yourumbrella, from early hoursof the day, when will we have. a lot of cloudiness, now the end

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