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The forecast for August promises a typical Czech summer

Overall, August will be average to slightly above average in temperature, with precipitation expected as usual at this time. This follows from the monthly weather outlook published by the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI).

It has rained the most during the week from August 3. In it, meteorologists expect the highest weekly totals, mainly due to heavy precipitation from the beginning of the week. “Subsequently, we assume a relatively drier period on average, local precipitation (showers, thunderstorms) will probably prevail, which will lead to greater regional differences in the total monthly total,” said CHMI.

The warmest August was in 2015

The average total precipitation for the period from 3 to 30 August is 67 millimeters. So far, it rained the most in 2002, when meteorologists measured 140 liters per square meter. The least precipitation fell in 1983 with a total of 15 millimeters.

The long-term average temperature in the Czech Republic for the next four weeks is 17.5 degrees Celsius. According to records kept since 1951, it was warmest in 2015 with an average of 21.6 degrees Celsius, while the lowest average of 13.9 degrees was recorded by meteorologists in 1978.

The monthly outlook expresses the overall nature of the weather, therefore it does not cover all possible fluctuations, warns the CHMI. According to meteorologists, the success of the outlook is around 75 percent at temperatures and around 65 percent at precipitation. The forecast for the third and fourth weeks is often close to the long-term climatic values ​​for the respective periods.

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