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The forceful movement of the princes of Wales against the popularity of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

There have been many sayings that have arisen around a possible reconciliation of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex with the rest of the British Royal Family, Well, recent winks launched by Prince Harry have shown between the lines that the youngest is crying out for his father’s forgiveness.

On the opposite side, Kings Charles III and Camilla Parker, as well as the princes William and Kate Middletonhave offered some olive branches to the exiled couple. Or at least, this is how gestures such as the congratulations sent to Prince Harry from Buckingham Palace on September 15, on the occasion of his 40th birthday, have been interpreted. However, although many experts have glimpsed the light for a reconciliation between both parties, There are those who claim that a war between the Sussexes and the royal couple of Wales is about to break out.

The Princes of Wales would be planning a strategy to end the popularity of the Dukes of Sussex

This approach arises from the last movement of the Prince William and his wife Catherine, which was carried out, nothing more and nothing less than in the land where the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have found refuge after having renounced their royal duties: the United States of America.

What is the move that Prince William and Kate Middleton made in the United States that could anger Meghan Markle?

According to him Daily Express, The princes of Wales have already submitted the official documentation necessary to register their own brand in the United States, a process similar to what Meghan Markle would have previously carried out to launch American Riviera Orchard, her own lifestyle brand, whose launch has been delayed due to problems in registering with the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

The brand of Princes William and Kate would have to do with the Royal Foundation, which has similar purposes to Archewell, which was founded by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in 2020 and aims to identify immediate social needs, create meaningful initiatives and drive long-term change.

Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle could put their popularity in the United States to compete

According to a source contacted by the Express, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex would have been very nervous about the Prince of Wales’s foray into the United States market. “Meghan was quite surprised when she discovered that Kate and William plan to do more work in the United States, after registering their foundation’s trademark with the authorities,” a source revealed to the media. RadarOnline. “Although they have made a couple of trips to the United States, it is not actually part of their territory and “Now Meghan feels like they might be invading.”he added.

Another source close to the kingdom declared ““The last thing Meghan wants is to compete with the most famous royal couple in the world.”adding “for Meghan, this is like a nine blow, since Harry is making more of his life in the United States and doing big events there, like the one he did in New York last week. And she already knows how popular Kate and William are in the United States “and, with her own popularity in Hollywood seemingly waning, she’s not comfortable with them making any trips to the other side at the moment because they will undoubtedly be a huge success,” the source added, highlighting how threatened the Duchess of Sussex currently feels. before the movement with which The princes of Wales could completely put an end to the already discredited popularity of the former actress.

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