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The forceful intervention of the Uruguayan ambassador to the OAS on the crisis in Venezuela

This Friday, the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) approved by consensus a resolution demanding that the Venezuelan authorities “expeditiously” publish all the minutes of the past presidential elections.

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After the document, which is not binding, was approved, the ambassadors to the organization asked to speak and made their interventions. However, The representative of Uruguay caused a stir on social media due to the forceful and direct words he used to describe the Venezuelan crisis..

So the tone is this, it is a passionate tone, I apologize, I apologize, but there is not much more space.

“What is not understood? People who are specialized in this matter tell us that the worst is happening (in Venezuela).” We are facing a disgraceful dictatorship. We are facing the worst thing that has happened to the continent in a long time and we have to face this without much rhetoric.“Nobody here has a manual on how to get out of dictatorships, but you don’t get out by congratulating them. You get out with an inquisitive attitude. You get out by having majorities in the international community,” said Washington Abdalá, Uruguayan ambassador to the OAS.

Hundreds of Internet users on social media began to share Abdalá’s words live and some Venezuelans and members of the opposition thanked him.

“The result is evident, empirical, factual, and Edmundo González Urrutia won. What is it that you don’t understand, Mr. Maduro? What is it that you don’t understand? The serious thing about this, when we are faced with state terrorism, is that some people read human rights in one way when it happens in one place, but when it happens in another place they read them in another way. They are the same human rights! They are the same people who are making sacrifices. Or what do you think, that there are eight million Venezuelans who went out to do tourism!?“Abdallah added.

Visibly passionate and in a very raised voice, Abdullah apologized and said: “So the tone is this, it is a passionate tone, I apologize, I apologize, but there is not much more room.”

What was approved at the OAS?

It should be recalled that the non-binding text was presented on behalf of United States and Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Canada, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Paraguay, Dominican Republic, Suriname and Uruguay as co-sponsors.

The resolution urges the National Electoral Council (CNE) to “promptly publish the minutes with the results of the presidential election vote at the level of each polling station” and “respect the fundamental principle of popular sovereignty through an impartial verification of the results that guarantees the transparency, credibility and legitimacy of the electoral process.”

Their call joins those made on Friday by the European Union, including Spain, and 22 other countries, in favor of the “immediate publication of all the original minutes” of the elections and the “impartial” and “independent” verification of the results of those elections, in which according to the CNE President Nicolás Maduro beat the opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia.

On July 31, another resolution demanding the immediate dissemination of the electoral records failed in the Pan-American organization based in Washington.

That first text had 17 votes in favor, none against, 11 abstentions and five absences, so it did not achieve the absolute majority necessary to pass.

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