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the foods that help and those to avoid

“We must also understand what is the share of bad cholesterol or Ldl and what is that of good cholesterol or Hdl on total cholesterol”, explained Dr. Emanuela Russo

Fight the colesterolo high with power supply: the diet that helps passes first by omega 3, but not only. “Although, it must be said, thephysical activity regular is fundamental ”, Dr. Emanuela Russo, INCO dietician (National Institute for the Treatment of Obesity) of the IRCCS Policlinico San Donato in Milan immediately explains to Gazzetta Active.

A distinction must then be made: there is cholesterol and cholesterol …
“When we talk about high cholesterol we need to understand the quality of cholesterol. Two thirds of the cholesterol is in fact endogenous, we produce it. Only a third are exogenous. Therefore, total high cholesterol is not always an indication of improper nutrition. Sometimes it is due to a familiarity. Therefore first of all, the genetic cause or linked to drugs that raise cholesterol, such as the birth control pill, for example, should be excluded. The question is then to understand how much the so-called bad cholesterol is (Ldl) and how much is the so-called good (Hdl)“.

Let’s get some clarity about it
“The so-called bad cholesterol or LDL is made up of cholesterol molecules that lead to the formation of plaques inside the arteries that can block blood flow, causing strokes and heart attacks. The so-called good cholesterol or HDL is made up of those cholesterol molecules that go to sweep away the plaques. So the important thing is that the LDL is low or the HDL is high ”.

How does the HDL rise?
“First of all with constant physical activity. Usually those who play sports have a high HDL. Women in particular usually have it higher “.

And through nutrition? Is there a diet that helps?
“Foods that help raise good cholesterol or HDL, thus lowering bad or LDL cholesterol, are especially those rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Well then blue fish such as mackerel, sardines, anchovies. And then dried fruit, seeds, avocado. Even extra virgin olive oil is good in this sense ”.

And what are the foods to avoid, or at least limit?
“Definitely the foods rich in saturated animal fats. Among these are offal such as heart, brain, tongue, liver. And then shellfish and cheeses, especially aged, but also the egg, especially the yolk. However, it must be said that the egg also contains lecithins, which are enemies of cholesterol: they have a cholesterol lowering effect, helping to reduce their absorption. So among the foods to be limited are the least impactful ones “.

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July 22, 2020 (change July 22, 2020 | 07:51)

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