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The food that shortens your life by 36 minutes. Food, between friend and foe

Wednesday 16 November 2022, 00:28

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Diet has a significant impact on longevity. There are studies and researches that associate some of them food with a longer life and others with a shorter life.

For example, a hot dog reduces life expectancy by 36 minutes, according to a study by University of Michigan researchers who analyzed the impact of more than 5,800 foods on longevity. Hot dogs cut life expectancy by 36 minutes due to high levels of salt, saturated fat and preservatives, according to lovefood.com.

Foods that reduce life expectancy

A 2019 JAMA internal medicine study of nearly 45,000 people over the age of 45 found a statistically significant correlation between the consumption of ultra-processed foods and the risk of premature death from all causes. The definition of ultra-processed food includes ready-to-eat or reheated, industrially produced foods, often with flavor enhancers and colorings that make the food more desirable and delicious.

1. Donuts

The donuts are in the unhealthy, ultra-processed camp, combining sugar and fat in such an irresistible duo. One raspberry glazed donut contains 6 g of saturated fat – about a third of the recommended daily limit for this cholesterol-raising type of fat – along with 310 calories and about 5 teaspoons of sugar.

2. French fries

Eating French fries more than twice a week was linked to double the risk of death in a 2017 study. However, there is hope here: The study was conducted in the United States before trans fats (the type of fat associated to cardiovascular diseases) to be banned in cooking oils. So, french fries may not be that bad for you anymore heart ta as at the time of the study, but they will certainly do well in life.

3. Toast

Toast poses a health risk, according to the UK’s Food Standards Agency (FSA). Acrylamide, which forms when carbohydrate-containing foods are fried, baked or grilled, is linked to cancer. As a precaution, the FSA says to cook food in the oven until it’s lightly golden brown, not dark brown.

4. Grilled or pan-fried meat

Heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are carcinogenic chemicals that are formed when protein like it meat and the fish is grilled (on embers) or cooked on a hot metal surface (pan). Reduce your risk by turning the meat more often so it doesn’t char.

5. Sausages

Studies show that processed meat is associated with colon cancer. Unhealthy ingredients in cured meats include high levels of salt and nitrite preservatives. Some scientists have even called for a ban on the processing of nitrates because they turn into carcinogenic nitrosamines (a type of chemical compound) in the stomach.

6. High

According to a study funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, excessive salt consumption was responsible for three million deaths worldwide in 2017. failure. Breads, cereals, soups, sauces, pizza and meat products can all be high in salt, so compare labels and look for low-salt versions.

7. Sweet drinks

A 330ml Coke has 139 calories and 35 grams of sugar, which is more than the recommended daily amount. A 2017 study linked drinking a glass of sugary drinks a day with a 7 percent higher risk of mortality.

8. Alcohol

There were 8,974 alcohol-related deaths in the UK in 2020, according to the NHS. And drinking is also a risk factor in several types of cancer, including breast, mouth and esophageal cancer. One bottle of wine per week is the maximum recommended intake in the UK for both men and women.

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