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The Food Bank blows out its first candle

More than 10 tonnes of foodstuffs are processed by the association each month. This Monday, it blows out its first candle and for the occasion, 24 pallets of on-board food were delivered by the airline company Aircalin.

It is in the room of the former parcel post processing center in Noumea, that the Food Bank blew out its first candle. For the occasion, the association’s missions continued on Monday. The volunteers worked extensively to distribute food to a around twenty d’associations.

The report by Brigitte Whaap and Cédric Michaut:


A happiness shared with enthusiasm by Danièle, one of the fifty volunteers. ” We receive merchandise, we distribute it in the fairest possible way. It’s a lot of handling, a lot of sweat, but also a lot of satisfaction once it’s folded. If you only knew the happiness that comes with unpacking all this. For example, we witnessed a delivery directly to Ponérihouen, where they did the sharing for 14 tribes, that was great. ».

Food bank 1 year 2

© Martine Nollet / Nc the 1st

The same goes for Liliane Condoumy, president of the Caledonian Association for the Assistance of the Elderly (Acapa) who comes in person to collect food for the members of the association. ” We phone all our grandmothers, those who are all alone and have no one, we bring them baskets of food. Saturday, we had kilos of bananas, so we made compote with », Specifies the president.

55 tons

Operations necessary for the proper functioning of local associations specifies Betty Levanqué, head of the food bank. ” We give associations the means to help their beneficiaries. In any case, we do not help the beneficiary directly because it is not our role. Every three months, we treat 55 tons of food. It is only food in dry food and then, we will move on to the treatment of fresh food. ».

Betty Levanqué, President of the Food Bank, at the microphone of Martine Nollet:

Betty Levanqué, president of the food bank

The president of the association is now awaiting government approval, in order to be able to open her solidarity café, on the Vallée-du-Tir side. In total, the Food Bank has so far identified one fiftieth of volunteers, who treat a ten tons of unsold food per month.

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