For the second time, the most significant gathering of Hungarians in Slovakia, one of the largest storytellers in the Carpathian Basin, was held in the wonderful natural environment of the Gombaszögi Valley. THE XIII. Ipolyi Arnold Folk Storytelling Competition its popularity is characterized by the fact that, compared to previous years, almost a hundred more storytellers applied, which shows a significant increase in the “dumping” of the competitions. This is also remarkable because applications are limited, ten from larger schools and five from smaller educational institutions can take part in the competition. Thus, four hundred and thirty people participated in the eight regional qualifiers, of which seventy-two young people were expected for the national competition.
The distribution of the sexes and the territorial distribution were balanced. Previously, there was a predominance of people from the Palóc language area, but now we have been able to welcome well-prepared participants from Kisalföld and Bodrogköz. This is due to many new professional workshops, the creation of which is linked to enthusiastic and committed teachers. Without claiming to be complete, I can mention Buzita in the east, Fülek and Ragyolc in Central Slovakia, and Quarter in the west
– explained Norbert Varga.
Source: House of Traditions Network
The professional responsible for the competition also informed that they did not think in terms of rankings, but in bands, gold, silver and bronze ratings, and the jury also awarded the contestants with special prizes.
“We were pleased to see that the so-called ‘gold band’ has strengthened, so the ‘bronze band’ was not even awarded in several categories. The selection also expanded in terms of genre, we could hear a half-hour ‘fairy tale’, previously we had not encountered such extensive storytelling during the competitions”
said Norbert Varga. “We have returning, experienced storytellers, but new talents always emerge, or previous starters mature professionally,” he added.