Home » today » News » The floor tiles burst!Kaohsiung 500kg wooden table fell from the 4th floor to the 1st floor, the moving company was miserable

The floor tiles burst!Kaohsiung 500kg wooden table fell from the 4th floor to the 1st floor, the moving company was miserable

The 500-kilogram wooden table fell to the ground on the 4th floor, and the moving company was miserable. (Picture/Recaptured from the reporter’s breaking news website, provided by the public)

A mansion in the Kaohsiung Gushan Art Museum special zone recently asked a moving company to hang furniture. The moving company staff suspected that they were acting cheaply and did not hang the table outside the window, but fixed it with horizontal ropes, causing the table weighing 500 kilograms to fall directly. Falling to the ground from the height of the 4th floor directly smashed the floor tiles of the 1st floor. Fortunately, no one passed by below. Now the moving company not only has to compensate for the loss of furniture, but the Kaohsiung City Labor Bureau will also impose a fine of up to 300,000 yuan according to law.

A netizen posted a video on the PO of the LINE group “Reporter’s Breaking News”. In the picture, several movers fixed the long table with two ropes and were about to hang it to the balcony, but the table became more and more crooked. The woman also asked, “Why do I feel slanted?” Sure enough, just as the rope was about to be hoisted up, the angle of the table turned sharply in an instant, and the large wooden board weighing 500 kilograms fell directly to the first floor. There were screams on the scene.

Hang on site.  (Picture / Recap from Reporter's Breaking News Network)

Hang on site. (Picture / Recap from Reporter’s Breaking News Network)

The whole case happened on the 13th. In a mansion building in the special zone of Gushan Art Museum, a large corner of the floor tile hit by the tabletop was completely shattered. Fortunately, there was no one on the first floor when it fell, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous. The moving operator who helped out on the day pointed out that in addition to the two ropes in the picture, there is usually an additional one tied at the vertical point for hanging. There was a response from the organizer on the day, but the other party ignored it.

The floor tiles below are crumbling.  (Photo/provided by the public)

The floor tiles below are crumbling. (Photo/provided by the public)

In this regard, the Kaohsiung City Labor Bureau stated that the operator has violated Article 6, Item 1 of the “Occupational Safety and Health Law”. If the employer fails to take measures to prevent hazards caused by machinery, equipment or appliances, he may be fined 30,000 to 300,000 yuan. .

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