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The flood portal provides information on flood risk

  • fromGregor Hashnik

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The regional councils also provide information on flood areas and protective measures.

Inform yourself regularly, take precautions, act quickly and prudently in an emergency, then seek support – these principles are particularly important for everyone who lives in areas at risk of flooding. That’s what the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) and the Federal Environment Agency advise.

The Hesse flood portal at www.hochwasser.hessen.de and the regional councils responsible for water and soil protection, such as the Darmstadt authority at www.rp-darmstadt.hessen.de, provide local information. The praesidia provide current warnings and forecasts as well as background information on flood zones, public and private protection measures and risk management. Hazard maps can be used to deduce how high the water level is on your own property and to what extent the house could be affected. With the digital offer “Hessen-Pegel mobil”, water levels for 85 Hessian gauges can be called up on the smartphone, forecasts are made for more than 30 gauges. Data for the whole of Germany is available via the “Meinepegel” app.

Private precautions – for which the Hessian Ministry of the Environment also gives tips online – include measures such as the choice of water-resistant building materials, mobile protective elements, securing heating oil tanks, but also an emergency plan and the right equipment, with sandbags, food, lighting, documents and the Organization of neighborhood help. Last but not least, it depends on the insurance cover, such as suitable natural hazard insurance. The consumer centers advise on this.

In an emergency, according to the BBK, it is important, for example, to seal windows and doors in the house, to bring those who are particularly vulnerable to safety first and to follow the instructions of the emergency services and the authorities. After the flood, among other things, the damage should be documented for the insurance company, the rooms should be dried quickly and the building services should be examined by experts. The BBK and the state provide information about aid programs. gha

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