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The Flemish government still reaches agreement on the nitrogen dossier

Farmers protested against the policy of the Flemish government last week

NOS NewsAmended

The Flemish government has finally agreed on the nitrogen dossier. Prime Minister Jambon says that the parties have yet reached an agreement on a final settlement.

The aim of the agreement is that by 2030 in Flanders, 50% less nitrogen will end up in nature reserves. To achieve this, the government will, among other things, release 3.6 billion euros for farmers who are obliged or voluntary to stop and to “realize new nature goals”, Jambon said at a press conference.

The amounts for farmers will amount to 130 percent of the value of their farm. There will also be investment support for young farmers to make their farms more sustainable.


Until recently, government party CD&V disagreed about an earlier proposal. As a result, a government crisis threatened. The Christian Democrats felt that nitrogen emissions from industry were treated too mildly compared to agriculture. They also wanted more guarantees for young farmers. The party believed that it was the Flemish N-VA Prime Minister Jambon’s turn to find a solution.

Now a compromise has been reached on two points. There will be further research into extra emission rights for nearby companies if a farm closes and therefore no longer emits nitrogen. A more flexible permit threshold for farmers will also be considered, the Flemish broadcaster reports VRT

If it turns out that those two points do not affect the halving of nitrogen emissions by 2030, they will be implemented, Jambon said. That is why CD&V now also supports the plans.

Hardest file

“It seems like a very technical file, but this is a super human file,” said Deputy Prime Minister Hilde Crevits of CD&V. “Behind every figure there is a family. We have to move towards sustainable agriculture and we strongly believe in that. We want to give perspective to young people who are faced with heavy investments.”

Prime Minister Jambon spoke of “the most difficult file for this Flemish government”. “Technically complicated, but also politically complicated, which has been dragging on for more than twenty years and we are now finally solving it. All parties have taken a proverbial sip of water to the wine.”

Just like in the Netherlands, nitrogen emissions in Flanders must be reduced. Last week, more than 2000 Flemish farmers went to Brussels to protest against the nitrogen policy of the Flemish government.

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