Inflation and high interest rates lower Poles’ creditworthiness. People planning to buy a flat with a mortgage loan feel it the most. The prices of the premises are still going up, so you have to borrow more than less, and also accumulate a large amount as your own contribution. From May 27 it will be easier? Who will benefit – and how – from the Flat without own contribution program, which is starting on that day.
Creditworthiness Poles are melting from week to week. In the April report prepared by Notus Finanse, the analysis of over 100 bank offers showed that the creditworthiness of, for example, 2 + 1 families decreased by up to 42 percent.
It is influenced by galloping inflation, rampant prices on the building materials market, and thus a sharp increase in prices per square meter. The government is looking for new solutions to support people who want to buy a flat. A few days ago, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced the liquidation of WIBOR, and there is another novelty ahead of us, the program “Apartment without own contribution”, which has been prepared since last year. Will it help Poles to buy an apartment?
– Remember that in order to take advantage of the government program, you will need creditworthiness for the amount requested and find a property that meets the price per m2 requirements, and it may not be that simple. Moreover, some hoped that the name “Flat without own contribution” could mean a government subsidy, and in simple terms, the required own contribution would simply be added to the client’s liability. On the one hand, this is a simplification, because collecting 10-20% of own contribution is a challenge for some clients, but on the other hand, the required creditworthiness automatically has to be higher – explains Paweł Komar, President of the Management Board of Notus Finanse.
Start programu zaplanowany jest na 27 maja br. Zgodnie z ustawą, o kredyt gwarantowany będzie się można ubiegać do 31 grudnia 2030 roku. Oto jego założenia w telegraficznym skrócie.