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The five wounds of the soul and their masks – 2024-10-09 07:06:00

An abridged excerpt from The Five Wounds Cure by Liz Bourbeau.
We come into this world with wounds that we must learn to accept. They have evolved over many incarnations. Some are more painful than others – it depends on our life plan. Why are they called soul wounds? Because the soul is exhausted when it moves away from its life plan and cannot follow it. Our soul suffers differently according to the wounds triggered.

Here is a summary of the characteristics of each wound and its corresponding mask. Remember that we start wearing a mask after a wound is activated – by ourselves or by another person. The purpose of the mask is to protect ourselves. We do our best to ignore the wound and not feel it.

Here are the five wounds of the soul

Awakening the wound: From conception to the first year. A child who has felt rejected by the same-sex parent and does not believe in their right to exist.
A mask: Running
His greatest fear: The panic

Behavior on this wound and the corresponding mask: The runner believes deep down that he is worthless, or at the very least, that he is not very valuable. He is constantly dissatisfied with what he is. He perceives himself as a nothing and thinks that he has no value. He has almost no respect for himself.

He often uses the following words: void, nothing, disappear, non-existent, no place, worthless, etc.

Description of the physical body: Small, very thin body. Curled at the top as if folded. Small torso. As if some part is missing (eg buttocks, breasts, etc.). Indentation in the chest, back, abdomen, etc. Asymmetric body parts. Small eyes, avoids looking at others. Mask around the eyes (large dark circles). A faint, quiet voice. Skin problems (especially on the face). He prefers to wear black clothes.

Awakening the wound: Between the ages of one and three with the parent of the opposite sex.

A child who suffered because he did not feel sufficiently supported by the parent of the opposite sex. Lack of emotional food.

A mask: We depend
His greatest fear: Loneliness

Behavior on this wound and the corresponding mask: The addict seeks the presence and attention of others. There is a great need to be supported. Unknowingly causes drama or illness to gain pity and attention. It is difficult for him to do or decide something on his own. He sways in his emotions.

He often uses the following words: alone, absent, I can’t stand, they don’t leave me, I missed, etc.

Description of the physical body: An elongated, lean body that lacks tone. Underdeveloped muscles. The arms look too long and seem to hang around the body. Sagging shoulders. Arched back. Any part of the body is drooping or flat. Some part of the body is positioned lower than normal. Big sad eyes, looking down. Weak voice – crying, like a child. Often leans on something or someone. He likes loose and loose clothes.

Awakening the wound: Between the ages of 1 and 3 with the parent who has suppressed any form of physical pleasure. A child who felt humiliated for experiencing sensual pleasure.

His freedom was restricted by punishment or contemptuous treatment.

There was shame in front of the parent in question.
A mask: Masochist
His greatest fear: Freedom

Behavior on this wound and the corresponding mask: Believes that God (or the guardian of morality in the family) is constantly watching and judging him. He does everything to be worthy in the eyes of God and those he loves. He thinks that in order to be a spiritual and worthy person, he must alleviate the suffering of humanity. That’s why he considers it his duty to serve everyone he loves, putting them before himself. The masochist hardly allows himself to be cared for. He does not allow himself to experience pleasure because he is afraid of feeling shame. He compensates and rewards himself with food, thinking he enjoys it, but his guilt and shame prevent him from truly enjoying it.

He often uses the following words: worthy, unworthy, small, large, dirty, possessed, impure, dirty, etc.

Description of the physical body: Overweight. Short stature. Round, open face. Big round eyes, naive as a child. Thick neck. Buffalo hump on the upper back. Part of the body is round or rounded. He dresses in tight clothes that emphasize his curvaceous forms.

He often gets his clothes dirty. Honey voice.

Awakening the wound: Between the ages of two and four with the parent of the opposite sex.
A disappointed child who did not receive the desired attention from the parent of the opposite sex. Felt betrayed or manipulated. Has lost trust in the parent in question after witnessing broken promises, lies or displays of weakness.
A mask: Controlling
His greatest fear: Dissolution, separation, refusal

Behavior on this wound and the corresponding mask: The controlling person does everything to convince others that he is a strong personality. Uses his leadership qualities to impose his will. He is out of touch with his vulnerability and tries to appear strong. He lets others know what he’s capable of.

He often uses the following expressions: I’m capable, trust me, I don’t trust him, I knew, I was right, did you understand, listen to me, as well as the following words: connected, broken up, separated, left, it’s true, honestly, etc.

Description of the physical body: The man is strong and powerful in the upper body. His shoulders are wider than his hips. In women, the hips are wider and more pronounced than the shoulders. The pelvis shows strength. Dominant muscles in some body parts. Loud voice. Bulging breasts. Overweight but doesn’t look fat but rather strong. The belly sags with age.

Big seductive eyes, an insistent gaze. He likes to wear bright colored clothes.

Awakening the wound: Between the ages of four and six with the parent of the same sex.
A child who suffered from the coldness of the parent of the same sex. It could not express itself and be what it is in its relationship with that parent. As a result, it has become detached from its sensibility, forcing itself to be executive and perfect in everything. It has blocked its own individuality.
A mask: Forged
His greatest fear: The cold

Behavior on this wound and the corresponding mask: Stiff tries to appear lively even when tired. He rarely admits that he has problems or that something is bothering him. A great optimist who always wants to show himself. When he crosses his limits, he becomes sharp, sarcastic, stubborn and unforgiving.

Often uses the expressions: no problem, just like that, definitely, sure, always, never, right, supposed, must, I’ll have to, extraordinary, fantastic, as well as superlatives such as: super good, special, too nice, etc.

Description of the physical body: Proportioned body as close to perfect as possible. Upright posture. Square shoulders. Stiff parts of the body (eg legs, neck, back, etc.). Sharp movements. Well-groomed appearance, seductive. A small waist cinched in by a garment or belt. Clenched jaw. Flat stomach trying to swallow. Round, bulging buttocks. Fair complexion. A brilliant, vibrant look. Sharp voice, talk fast.

#wounds #soul #masks

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