Home » Business » The first zoning decision is at the Hostivařská radial, it concerns the Dolní Měcholup bypass – Zdopravy.cz

The first zoning decision is at the Hostivařská radial, it concerns the Dolní Měcholup bypass – Zdopravy.cz

The Hostivřská link connects the great tour around Prague with the inner city tour.

The Prague part of Dolní Měcholupa can look forward with hope to a bypass that will eliminate traffic flowing on Kutnohorská Street. The Municipal Department of Roads and Railways has now spread out zone determination to the Dolní Měcholup bypass, which is supposed to be the seed of the so-called Hostivřská radial. The decision is not yet binding, an appeal can be made.

“In addition to Kutnohorská itself, the bypass road connects in wider relations on the west with the link Průmyslova – Kutnohorská with a connection to the urban ring road in Rybníčky MÚK, and to the south with “proposed communication link Přátelství – Bečovská – MÚK Pražský okhruh (SOKP) north of Netluk.” it is in the city documents.

The Dolní Měcholup bypass is designed as a non-directional two-way road with widened paved and unpaved shoulders so that it is possible to place a pedestrian path, a bicycle path and noise barriers. The paths will be 3.5 meters wide, and the paved and unpaved roads will be 1.5 meters wide.

Dolní Měcholupa Bypass. Source: MHMP/EIA Documents

As for the other parts of the Hostivařská radial, which functions, among other things, as the Uhříněvsi bypass and as a link between the city center roundabout and the Prague big circle, it is at the level of territorial management. For the junction Průmyslová – Kutnohorská, the city department announced the start of the assignment proceedings in June, the documents for the connection to the main circuit had to be added after the application was submitted in May -last year

Hostivar's reputation in the future. Source: Prague 15

Hostivar’s reputation in the future. Source: Prague 15

The construction is delayed, for example, according to the EIA documents, the Dolní Měcholup bypass was supposed to be built between 2020 and 2022. However, it should be ready no later than when. of the big ring road (D0) between Běchovice and Modletice in 2027. Prague has a new radial on the list of priority buildings.


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2024-09-29 06:03:52
#zoning #decision #Hostivařská #radial #concerns #Dolní #Měcholup #bypass #Zdopravy.cz

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