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The first trial of Habib Rizieq et al’s trial against Jokowi will be held the day after tomorrow


Habib Rizieq et al filed a civil lawsuit against President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) worth IDR 5,246 trillion. The first trial will be held the following day tomorrow.

“October 8 (the first trial),” Jakarta District Court Public Relations officer Zulkifli Atjo told reporters, Sunday (6/10/2024).

Judging from the page of the Jakarta District Court Case Finding Information System (SIPP), the trial will be held in the Purwoto Ganda Subrata room. The session started at 10.00 WIB with a reading schedule legal standing.



“Tuesday, 8 October 2024, 10.00 WIB to 12.00 WIB. Agenda legal standing the parties. “Subrata Purwoto Ganda Chamber,” it says on the SIPP page of the Jakarta District Court.

Previously, Habib Rizieq Shihab (HRS) and six other people filed a civil lawsuit against President Joko Widodo. In one of the lawsuits, the plaintiff asked Jokowi as the defendant to pay compensation of IDR 5,246.75 trillion. Where did that calculation come from?

“The calculation is from Indonesia’s foreign debt since he took office that is thought to have caused a loss of that magnitude,” HRS lawyer Aziz Yanuar said when contacted, Friday (4/10 ).

The lawsuit filed by Rizieq et al is registered at the Jakarta Central District Court. The lawsuit was filed on September 30, 2024 and was filed with case number 661/Pdt.G/2024/PN Jkt.Pst.

Aziz explained the background of the lawsuit filed. He said the trial was related to Jokowi’s allegations that he violated his authority.

“The trial is about alleged lies in the use of constitutional instruments,” Aziz said.

In the press release of the plaintiff distributed by Aziz Yanuar, there are several explanations regarding the reasons for bringing Jokowi to law. The plaintiffs believe that Jokowi has been lying since he became the Governor of DKI Jakarta in 2012 until he became president for two terms.

In the press statement, several lies of Jokowi were expressed, starting from the statement that 6,000 units of Esemka cars were ordered to lies regarding data about 11 thousand trillion in Jokowi’s pocket.

A total of seven people are plaintiffs in the civil lawsuit. Apart from HRS, there is also Munarman who is included as one of the complaints. Here are the names:

Habib Rizieq Shihab
TNI Major General (Ret.) Soenarko
Eko Santojo
Edward Mulyadi
M. Mursalim R
Marwan Batubara

The following is the summary of HRS et al’s lawsuit against Jokowi:

1. Accept and grant the plaintiffs’ law in full
2. Declare that the defendant (Joko Widodo) has committed an illegal act
3. Sentence the accused (Joko Widodo) to pay material compensation of up to IDR 5,246.75 trillion​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Watch: Video: Series of reasons why Habib Rizieq et al sue Jokowi for IDR 5,246 T, touching Esemka

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


2024-10-06 09:47:42

#trial #Habib #Rizieq #als #trial #Jokowi #held #day #tomorrow

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