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The first such gas supply to Poland. The PGNiG tanker has called at the port

The tanker “Maran Gas Apollonia” with a cargo of over 65 thousand tons arrived at the LNG terminal in Świnoujście. tonnes of liquefied natural gas, i.e. over 90 million cubic meters of gas after regasification, PGNiG announced on Saturday.

– For the first time, the LNG cargo was delivered on a ship chartered by PGNiG, which opens a new stage in the group’s activities. So far, we have only purchased LNG loads that have been transported. Now we also buy gas directly from condensing terminals – says Iwona Waksmundzka-Olejniczak, president of PGNiG SA, quoted in the announcement.

As he explains, such a solution greatly expands the possibilities of obtaining LNG: – Our own fleet gives us access to the market of free-on-board contracts, i.e. contracts in which the buyer is responsible for the collection and transport of LNG from the manufacturer.

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Big deal with the Americans

It is also the first order of PGNiG from the Calcasieu Pass terminal in Louisiana, owned by the American company Venture Global LNG, which was put into operation at the beginning of this year. The companies signed a supply agreement in 2018. In 2021, an annex was signed, which increases the volume of supplies to 5.5 million tonnes of LNG, i.e. after regasification of approximately 7.4 billion cubic meters of gas per year.

From next year, about 2 billion cubic meters of gas are to be delivered to Poland annually from the Calcasieu Pass terminal. At that time, the second Venture Global LNG terminal is to be ready in Zatoeka Mexico, from which Poles will take around 5.4 billion cubic meters of gas annually. The agreement between the Americans and Poland was signed for 20 years.

To handle these deliveries, PGNiG signed contracts for the charter of tankers for transport LNGEight ships with a capacity of 174,000 cubic meters will be built for the company’s needs. tons of liquefied natural gas each. The first two will come into use next year, the next two – in 2024, and the other four – in 2025.

Whereas this year, PGNiG wants to charter three tankers, of which two in the first half of the year. The first one is already in operation – it is “Maran Gas Apollonia”, which has just delivered the raw material to Świnoujście. In total, it is already the 17th delivery of LNG to the Polish gas terminal (PGNiG has contracts not only with Americans) and the 165th since the installation was launched.

Currently, after expansion, The gas terminal in Świnoujście has a capacity of 6.2 billion cubic meters of gas per year compared to 5 billion from the period before the expansion. In 2024, it is to be expanded again and will be able to receive 8.3 billion cubic meters of gas during the year.

Poland cut off from raw material from Russia

Poland consumes a little over 20 billion cubic meters of gas annually. The new Baltic Pipe gas pipeline is to begin transmission in autumntransporting the raw material from Norway through Denmark, which will have a capacity of 10 billion cubic meters of gas per year. Poland imported more or less from Russia, but already before the war in Ukraine it decided that it would no longer take gas from Gazprom at the end of this year. This moment was accelerated because the Russians, in response to Western sanctions, ordered to pay for supplies in rubles, and because Poland did not agree to it, they turned off our gas tap right now.

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