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The first step to changing the lifestyle of prediabetic patients, doctors: exercise routine

Prediabetes can be overcome by exercising regularly for at least 30 minutes a day.

REPUBLIC.CO.ID, JAKARTA — University of Indonesia Endocrinologist Metabolic Diabetes Internal Medicine Consultant Prof Dr dr Pradana Soewondo, SpPD-KEMD, provides early intervention tips for those diagnosed with low-risk prediabetes, especially changing lifestyles life. “How to exercise regularly for at least 150 minutes a week or 30 minutes every day for five days a week, such as walking, cycling or swimming,” he said in his statement on Wednesday (11/16/2022).

Other prediabetes treatment efforts are seeking to change eating patterns with a nutritionally balanced diet and stress management. However, in people with prediabetes and at high risk, if after three to six months of lifestyle intervention the results have not been successful in achieving the desired weight loss, it can be combined with pharmacotherapeutic interventions.

This pharmacotherapeutic intervention consists of the administration of drugs such as those containing the active ingredient metformin as first-line drug therapy in prediabetes and diabetes prevention strategies. Studies by the Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group (DPP) show that lifestyle changes and medical interventions can reduce the incidence of diabetes in people at high risk of the disease, and their benefits have been confirmed in long-term studies of 10 and 15 years old.

Prediabetes is a condition in which blood sugar levels are higher than normal but do not meet the criteria to be diagnosed as diabetes. Prediabetic patients have a higher risk of developing diabetes than people without prediabetes.

“However, not many people are aware of the condition prediabetes because the symptoms are minimal until it develops into diabetes and causes complications,” Pradana said.

According to him, without adequate prevention efforts, the development of prediabetes into type 2 diabetes can occur more rapidly. This is because data shows that seven out of ten prediabetic patients who are not given an intervention will progress to diabetes.

Also, you don’t have to wait for diabetes. The condition of prediabetes itself is at risk of causing cardiovascular complications if not managed properly.

Cardiovascular complications and the progression to diabetes can be prevented with good treatment, one of which is changing your lifestyle to be healthier. The risk of developing type 2 diabetes can be reduced by up to 58% with lifestyle changes, such as a balanced diet, regular exercise and weight loss.

Therefore, Pradana said, the sooner the risks are realized and the identification of prediabetes is made, the sooner people can make changes to be healthier and avoid the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular complications.

source: Between

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