NASA has issued a warning about the discovery of an invisible monster in space Black hole Harb moves very quickly through the universe, as it can travel to the moon in only 14 minutes via a journey of 237,674 miles from Earth, and it left behind a chain of stars, measuring 200 thousand light years, or twice the diameter of the Milky Way galaxy.
A runaway black hole
According to, Professor Peter van Dokkum, one of the study scientists, explained that Black hole It is witnessing a state of vigilance that makes it capable of forming stars, and although at first glance you look at the black hole, you will think that it is devouring the stars in front of it, but according to what was monitored by the Hubble Space Telescope, the black hole, which is located 7.5 billion light years away, leaves gas in front of it in a way that allows it to form stars.
According to what was monitored by the Hubble telescope, the black hole is located at one end of a column that reaches its parent galaxy, and by looking at the first glance at the outer end of the column, we find it formed in the form of a bright knot of ionized oxygen, and scientists believe that this image results from the heat emitted from the black hole, and Professor Ducum explains “The gas in front of the black hole gets shocked by this supersonic impact and high speed.”
Black hole escape
According to another point of view, scientists believe that Black hole The runaway escaped after the merger of two galaxies about 50 million years ago, gathering supermassive black holes at their centers, and once another, third galaxy settled into its own black hole, a chaotic merger took place, resulting in an unstable formation.
How black holes form
There is a belief that black holes have a very strong gravity that does not allow any ray to leak through them, especially light, and thanks to their gravity dust and gas are concentrated around them, which as a result we find that stars revolve around them in galaxies, as for the reason for their formation in the first place, astronomers believe that they are It is formed as a result of the collapse of a large cloud of gas, the size of which is 100,000 times larger than the sun, in a black hole, and then all the small black holes merge together to form a large black mass located in the center of every huge galaxy.
On the other hand, the seed of a black hole can be generated from a giant star with a mass of 100 times the mass of the sun, which is formed in the form of a black hole after it runs out of fuel in its collapse phase, and as soon as the giant star dies, a huge explosion is generated that expels matter from the outer layers of the star into space.
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