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The first major exclusive on Xbox Series X

It took a few months, but we can finally say that the Xbox Series X has received its first major exclusive in the form of The Medium. In this psychological horror game you play as Marianne. Marianne is, as the name of the game says, a medium that can have contact with deceased people. JJ likes these kinds of games and has played a part of the beginning of the game in this The Medium Let’s Play. And you know how JJ is, so that goes very wrong …

Living in two worlds

The Medium contains a unique gameplay mechanism. You play the game in two worlds at the same time. The world of the living, and the world of the dead. One world will have an impact on another. This means that your screen is divided into 2 sections. Box 1 consists of the normal world. Box 2 consists of a creepy Silent Hill-like world. Suppose you focus on the normal world and you don’t get any further, then there is a possibility that the solution is in the other world.

Bloober Team

The name Bloober Team is not one that immediately comes to mind when talking about gaming. But since 2016 they have been a regular player in the horror genre. For example, they are the makers of Layers of Fear. And for the folks who don’t like the name Layers of Fear, the game was considered one of the better horror games of the past few years. Since then they have produced Observer, Layers of Fear 2 and Blair Witch. And while all these games weren’t necessarily bad, they failed to generate the impact as the first installment of Layers of Fear. But now, as the first larger Xbox Series X exclusive, this is the perfect opportunity for Bloober Team to make an impact. Do they know how to make an impact on JJ? You can see it in The Medium Let’s Play on the monster PC. because that’s where it looks the best.

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