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The first images of the TCL smartphone with a sliding screen

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TCL creates a smartphone with an original design – its size will be doubled due to a retractable display. About it informs Cnet



According to Cnet sources, the manufacturer was going to present his smartphone at the MWC 2020 exhibition in late February. This was prevented by the cancellation of the event due to an outbreak of coronavirus. Nevertheless, you can look at the appearance of a smartphone that has not yet been announced right now.

Externally, the device looks like most modern flagships: a large frameless display with rounded edges and a notch for the front camera. An additional screen is built into the case, which extends and turns the gadget into a tablet. On the rear panel you can also see a vertical quadro camera with flash.


Photo: Cnet


Prior to this, a similar design could only be seen in the drawings in the patent documentation of other vendors. While it is not entirely clear exactly how the sliding screen technology works, apparently one part of the flexible display bends or wraps behind the other. This may affect the thickness of the device. Nevertheless, it already looks interesting against the background of flexible “clamshells” and “books” from Samsung, Motorola and Huawei.

Unfortunately, there is no information about the characteristics and price of an unknown smartphone yet. It is also unclear when exactly TCL will now decide to conduct its presentation.

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