Home » today » Health » The first human case of H3N8 bird flu detected in China, the patient’s toddler

The first human case of H3N8 bird flu detected in China, the patient’s toddler

Liputan6.com, Zhumadian – A four-year-old boy in China becomes the first human known to be infected with the strain bird flu H3N8but the country’s health authorities say the risk of the spread is low.

Boy from Henan Province, China center, it was found to be infected after experiencing fever and other symptoms on April 5, 2022, said the National Health Commission, Tuesday April 26.

First case of bird flu H3N8 has been recorded in China, according to a report by Reuters on Tuesday.

China’s National Health Commission issued a statement on Tuesday, confirming a 4-year-old boy was infected with the strain bird flu. The toddler boy had close contact with wild chickens and ducks and developed a fever on April 5. He was hospitalized on April 10.

The National Health Commission said it believed the virus did not yet have the ability to effectively infect humans.

H3N8 has never been detected in humans before, but it is a strain of influenza that does cause disease in birds, horses, and dogs. Several studies have linked the Russian pandemic of 1889 to this strain, but this has never been proven.

“This initial infection should always be responded to in a thorough and comprehensive manner with sensitive contact testing to ensure no other spread has occurred or is ongoing,” said Ian Mackay, a virologist at the University of Queensland, Australia. CNetWednesday (27/4/2022).

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video-gallery--item__video-caption_read-video-article">The British government confirmed the findings of one human case of bird flu. The patient has close contact with poultry in and around his house.

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