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The First Golden Panda International Cultural Forum: Promoting Coexistence of Civilizations through Equality and Tolerance

The first Golden Panda International Cultural Forum was held in Chengdu

Li Shulei announced the opening, Wang Xiaohui and Li Yi delivered a speech, and Sun Yeli gave a keynote speech.

Huang Qiang hosted Tian Xiangli and Shi Xiaolin attended

On the morning of September 20, the first Golden Panda International Cultural Forum with the theme of “Coexistence of Civilizations: Colorful, Equality and Tolerance” was held in Chengdu. Li Shulei, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and director of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, attended and announced the opening.

Wang Xiaohui, Secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress, Li Yi, Party Secretary and Vice Chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and Deputy Director of the First Golden Panda Award Organizing Committee, delivered a speech. Sun Yeli, Vice Minister of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee and Director of the State Council Information Office, delivered a keynote speech. Huang Qiang, deputy secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, governor and deputy director of the first Golden Panda Awards Organizing Committee, presided over the event. Tian Xiangli, chairman of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, and Shi Xiaolin, deputy secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Chengdu Municipal Party Committee, attended.

In his speech, Wang Xiaohui, on behalf of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, expressed congratulations on the holding of the first Golden Panda International Cultural Forum and welcomed all leaders, guests and friends attending the forum. He said that today, when the future and destiny of all countries in the world are closely linked, tolerance, coexistence, exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations play an irreplaceable and important role in promoting the modernization process of human society and prospering the garden of world civilizations. In March this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping solemnly proposed the Global Civilization Initiative, providing China with a solution for promoting people-to-people exchanges, cultural integration, and people-to-people bonds around the world. As one of the important birthplaces of Chinese civilization, Sichuan has rich historical and cultural heritage, majestic natural scenery and fruitful achievements in cultural construction. The beauty of natural ecology and the colorful charm of humanity complement each other here, blooming the unique cultural charm of beautiful Sichuan. . As an important carrier of dialogue among civilizations, film and television play a unique role in promoting exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. Under the cordial care of General Secretary Xi Jinping, our country has established the highest national international communication award, the Golden Panda Award, which uses film as a carrier, giant pandas as cultural symbols, and promotes the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. It has been permanently located in Sichuan and will definitely It will inject strong impetus into deepening mutual learning among civilizations and intensifying cultural exchanges. I hope that through this forum, we can further deepen our understanding of the differences among civilizations, further promote exchanges and dialogues between different civilizations, further appreciate multiculturalism from the perspective of equality, tolerance, and friendship, further break down barriers to cultural exchanges, and learn from each other in the process of Let’s move towards the future together. I hope that everyone can walk and see more in Sichuan, fully experience the profound heritage of Chinese civilization and Bashu culture, and fully experience the myriad aspects of Chinese modernization.

Li Yi expressed congratulations on the holding of the forum on behalf of the organizing committee of the first Golden Panda Awards and the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. He said that Chinese culture has had the distinct characteristic of openness and tolerance since ancient times, and the Chinese nation has always pursued the realm of great harmony in which each has its own beauty and the beauty and beauty are shared. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that people with culture can better unite their souls; people with art can more easily communicate with the world. The China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Sichuan Provincial Government jointly organize the “Golden Panda Award” in order to actively respond to the global civilization initiative proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping, promote the common values ​​of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom for all mankind, and use film as a bridge to help People deepen their understanding and appreciation of each other’s cultures, promote exchanges among civilizations to transcend civilizational barriers, mutual learning among civilizations to transcend civilizational conflicts, and civilizational tolerance to transcend civilizational superiority, thus promoting the continuous progress of human civilization. I hope that using this forum as a platform, all the guests can brainstorm and speak freely, jointly discuss the reliable path for the sustainable prosperity and development of human culture, explore the future and hope of human civilization, and promote the steady and long-term development of human civilization through exchanges and mutual learning. We hope that friends from all walks of life at home and abroad will pay close attention to support and participate in the “Golden Panda Awards”, and work together to create a world-renowned film and television event, art event, and cultural event, to better gather the wisdom and power to create a better future for mankind, and to work together to write a story of building a community with a shared future for mankind. A brand new chapter.

Sun Yeli said in his keynote speech that mankind shares weal and woe, and the long river of civilization is endless. The global civilization initiative proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping has contributed Chinese wisdom to promoting the development and progress of human civilization and prospering the world’s garden of civilizations, and the international community has paid great attention to this initiative. Our gathering here is a vivid practice of implementing the global civilization initiative and deepening exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. We must deeply realize that the common values ​​of all mankind are the greatest common denominator of human value pursuits and social visions. We need to always adhere to and vigorously promote them, enhance mutual understanding, and eliminate mutual barriers, so that we can move towards a better future together. Every civilization has its own wonderful story. We need to tell the story of civilization well, promote people-to-people bonds, make good use of the cultural resources of our own nation, and learn from the cultural resources of other nations, so as to better integrate internal and external, and connect ancient and modern times, in order to promote Civilization is stable and far-reaching, and we thrive together. Humanity is increasingly becoming a community with a shared future. We need to use the power of culture to protect our shared homeland, so that our cultural creations can always guide the development of civilization in the right direction and mobilize spiritual strength for the people’s struggle. Openness and inclusiveness are the source of vitality for the development of civilizations. We need to continuously expand new channels for cultural exchanges, promote different civilizations to strengthen exchanges and deepen mutual learning, and enhance the well-being of people of all countries through the integration of culture and culture.

At around 9:35, amid warm applause, Li Shulei announced the opening of the first Golden Panda International Cultural Forum.

Subsequently, former United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Eric Solheim, former Director-General of UNESCO Irina Bokova, former Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, former Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmy, Stelios Vervidakis, Chairman of the Steering Committee of the China-Greece Center for Mutual Learning of Civilizations, Shi Aik, Director of the Uffizi Museum in Italy, Wu Weishan, Director of the National Art Museum of China, Ge Jianxiong, Senior Professor of Liberal Arts at Fudan University, Hong Kong director and film and television producer Tang Jili made keynote speeches respectively.

Relevant leaders of the central publicity and cultural units, relevant leaders of Sichuan Province, responsible comrades of the Propaganda Departments of the provincial (autonomous regions and municipalities) party committees and relevant publicity and cultural units, representatives of the consulates general of relevant countries in Chengdu, responsible comrades of relevant provincial departments and some central units in Sichuan, The judges of the first Golden Panda Awards, representatives of nominated works, well-known directors, producers, actors, experts and scholars at home and abroad, cultural celebrities and representatives of film and television institutions participated.

Photography by Sichuan Online reporter Zhang Lidong Ouyang Jie Tianwei

2023-09-20 10:37:09
#Golden #Panda #International #Cultural #Forum #held #Chengdu #Shulei #announced #opening #Wang #Xiaohui #delivered #speech #Sun #Yeli #gave #keynote #speech #Huang #Qiang #hosted #Tian #Xiangli #Shi #Xiaolin #attended_Sichuan #Online #Sichuan #Online

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