Home » today » Technology » The first foldable iPhone is already a reality, but it wasn’t created by Apple

The first foldable iPhone is already a reality, but it wasn’t created by Apple

Have you ever thought about what a foldable iPhone would look like? Well, it seems like you don’t have to imagine it anymore. The iPhone V is here and it’s a foldable version of the Apple device. As you can imagine, behind this invention there are not those from Cupertino, but at the end lets us see what the mythical iPhone design would look like with a “slight” twist.

It was the YouTube channel Technological aestheticsdirected by “The Rock”, which set to work creating his own foldable version of the iPhone. As he recalls in the first few seconds of the video, “of the 7 major phone manufacturers in the world, six of them have already presented folding screens.” Apple, however, is the only one who hasn’t jumped on the bandwagon; despite patents showing such an iPhone.

This is why The Rock asked itself the question: “Could we build one ourselves?”. The answer, of course, is yes. Here’s what a foldable iPhone not designed by Apple looks like.

How this impressive foldable iPhone was built

On its YouTube channel, The Rock doesn’t just show us the final result. In addition, he also shared the design and development process of the iPhone V, a foldable version named after Samsung’s Z Flip.

Following the design philosophy of a foldable device, The Rock has separated the internal components of the iPhone into two parts. The top one, which contains the battery and the front and rear camera sensors. The lower part, on the other hand, houses the device’s motherboard, along with the processor and memory. Both areas are connected to the central joint.

How long did it take to create this foldable iPhone? According to the creator, it was an effort that took a full year to materialize. Because of this, used up to three 3D printers to create a case for iPhone partswhich allows it to be folded, keeping all the important features of the terminal functional.

The YouTube channel also took the trouble to make a promotional video for the device, in true Apple style. In it, they ensure that this iPhone V supports 5G connectivity and is powered by an A16 Bionic processor. It also has a 12MP front camera, Super Retina XDR screen, and the ability to fold in half. Not bad for a fan-made project..

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