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The first flying motorcycle is on sale

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Flying motorcycle

The maximum speed of the aerobike is 100 km / h and the maximum time in the air is 40 minutes. The price almost reaches 700 thousand dollars.

The world’s first XTurismo Limited Edition flying motorcycle went on sale in Japan. Its price is about 680 thousand dollars, according to Reuters.

The aircraft was developed by the Japanese startup ALI Technologies Inc., which specializes in the production of drones. Japanese industrial companies Mitsubishi Electric and Kyocera took part in the project.

Landing and controls are related to a motorcycle. The aerobike’s hybrid propulsion system includes an internal combustion engine that charges the battery, which in turn powers the rotors. The car has six of them: two large ones are located under the body and create the main lifting force, four more are installed on the sides and will allow you to change the direction of movement.

The maximum speed is 100 km / h and the maximum time in the air is 40 minutes. The XTurismo Limited Edition aerobike measures 3.7 m in length, 2.4 m in width and 1.5 m in height. It weighs 300 kg and has a maximum payload of 100 kg.

Deliveries will begin in the first half of 2022, but the price bites – 77.7 million yen, or, in terms of $ 680 thousand.

Japanese legislation does not allow such flying vehicles to move freely in airspace, using public roads for takeoff and landing. However, the developers hope that their aerobike will be able to use rescue teams to get to various hard-to-reach places.

It was previously reported that Ukrainian broke the world speed record on a bike, accelerating to 172 km / h.

Ukrainian pilot and motorcyclists perform an exciting stunt

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