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The first corona vaccine vaccination site in Korea… “I was messing, but I’ll be fine soon”

Input 2021.02.26 11:30 | Revision 2021.02.26 12:11

First dose of corona vaccine… Take the first step to recovering your daily life
No. 1 inoculation “I’m nauseated because of my tension…it’s okay after a while”
30 minutes to get home after getting vaccinated at the public health center… “Important observation after vaccination”

Noah Rehabilitation Nursing Center head Kim Jeong-ok is receiving the corona 19 vaccine at the Dobong-gu Health Center in Seoul on the 26th. /yunhap news

“I was nervous and sleepy. So, after getting the injection, I was not feeling well, but after 15 minutes it got better.”

At 9 am on the 26th, vaccination for a novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) began at the Dobong-gu Health Center in Seoul. Kim Jeong-ok (female, 57), the 1st inoculum in Dobong-gu, is the director of the Noah Rehabilitation Nursing Home located in this area. He said, “The elders who have been in the nursing home for the past year haven’t been able to visit their families once,” he said. “I hope that group immunity is well generated so that (nursing home elders) can visit their children to the fullest.”

The domestic Corona 19 vaccination has been 403 days since January 20 last year when the first confirmed person was confirmed. It is a powerful first step to recover from the daily life collapsed by Corona 19. The injections received by the vaccination targets that day were developed by British pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca and produced in Korea by SK Bioscience.

On the first day of vaccination determined by the quarantine authorities, 289,000 people were hospitalized, residents, and workers in 4156 nursing hospitals and 4156 nursing homes nationwide. Seniors over 65 years of age are currently unable to get the AstraZeneca vaccine, so the vaccination on this day was limited to those under the age of 65. On the 27th, hospital workers treating patients with Corona 19 will receive the Corona 19 vaccine from Pfizer, a US pharmaceutical company.

On the morning of the 26th, workers in nursing hospitals and nursing facilities at the Dobong-gu Public Health Center in Seoul are waiting to get a vaccine for AstraZeneca, a novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19). /yunhap news

Kim arrived at the public health center before 9 am and headed to the 4th floor where vaccination was done. After checking the list of inoculated persons at the inoculation desk, the body temperature was measured and hand sanitization was performed. If a high fever of 38.5℃ or higher is found in the body temperature measurement before vaccination, the vaccine cannot be administered. The vaccination subjects of various ages lined up behind Kim.

For corona 19 vaccination, first check whether you are the target person through the list, and fill out a questionnaire. Then, through Pre-Jin, he checks whether it is okay to get a vaccination, and gets an injection. After vaccination, observe for adverse reactions at a separate location for about 15 minutes.

When Kim entered the inoculation room alone, a doctor in gloves pulled out a single dose of vaccine with a syringe from a glass container (vial) containing the vaccine. The doctor then walked Kim’s left arm and stabbed a needle. The vaccination ended in just 7 seconds. The doctor who injected the vaccine to Mr. Kim said, “You can press the inoculation site with a disinfectant cotton for 2 minutes,” he said. “After returning home, for 3 hours, you should see if any adverse reactions such as swelling or fever occur.”

On the 26th, when the domestic Corona 19 vaccination began, workers in nursing hospitals and nursing facilities at the Dobong-gu Public Health Center in Seoul are undergoing a prediction before vaccination./Yonhap News

Kim headed to the adverse reaction observation room at the public health center. This is a procedure to check for any adverse reactions for 15 minutes. Mr. Kim, who was waiting, suddenly appealed, “I feel sick.” The medical staff urgently checked Kim’s pulse and blood pressure while under tension. Fortunately, it was not a major side effect. The doctor who looked at Mr. Kim’s condition said, “I think hyperventilating came because I was nervous.”

Kim was also relieved. He said, “I’ve been nervous since yesterday because I thought I couldn’t take care of the elderly (in nursing home) if I had a problem.” After spending a little more time, Kim exited the observation room and headed for a nursing home for office workers.

Noah Rehabilitation Nursing Home staff member Oh Jeong-hwa (female 45) and the staff also finished vaccination on the same day as the director, Kim.

Park Sun-hee, a doctor at Dobong-gu Health Center, said, “I want the subjects to get the vaccine safely according to the vaccination sequence,” and “The most worrying part is an allergic reaction (such as anaphylaxis).” He added, “General allergies can be common and will improve over time,” he added. “The medical staff is also meticulously predicting.”

On the 26th, when vaccination for the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) began, a nursing hospital and nursing facility workers at the Dobong-gu public health center in Seoul are waiting in the adverse reaction observation room after receiving the AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine. / Yonhap News

Employees of the Dobong-gu Health Center, who had been vaccinated for the first time with the Corona 19 vaccination, also watched the vaccination process in tension. They are also thoroughly prepared for adverse reactions. Because it has undergone several rehearsals, a health center official explains that even if an emergency occurs, it is possible to respond immediately.

“I am experiencing a crisis situation of Corona 19, but the only way to return to my daily life is’vaccine vaccination,'” said Kim Sang-joon, head of the public health center. “Because I took my first steps, I am very impressed as a local health officer.” Director Kim said, “I hope that the residents will return to their daily routine as soon as possible (with the opportunity of vaccination),” and “Please actively participate in the vaccination.”

Lee Dong-jin, head of Dobong-gu, who visited the vaccination site on that day, said, “Because it is the first day of vaccination, the medical staff and ward staff made a lot of effort,” he said. “But our citizens will be the ones who waited the most for this day.” Mayor Lee said, “The first vaccination targets showed a near 100% vaccination consent rate, so I thought that the’expectation’ was higher than the concern about vaccination.” I will prepare.”

At the Dobong-gu Public Health Center in Seoul on the morning of the 6th, medical staff are giving notices after vaccinating the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine to workers in nursing hospitals and nursing facilities. /yunhap news

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