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The First Convictions and Prison Sentences Handed Down for Recent Urban Violence

Prison sentences have been pronounced against individuals suspected of having participated in the urban violence of recent nights.

The first convictions for participation in urban violence, triggered by the death of young Nahel, of recent nights were pronounced on Saturday July 2 and Sunday July 3 during hearings in immediate appearances in several cities in France. There have been nearly 3,000 people in custody, including those who are still in custody, since the start of the riots, franceinfo learned from a judicial source on Sunday July 2. A total of 570 individuals were referred, and 260 sent for immediate appearance, according to the same source. From the France Bleu network in particular, franceinfo collected the first prosecutions and convictions (a non-exhaustive list).


In Bobigny (Seine-Saint-Denis), ten defendants were tried in immediate appearance on Saturday, said public prosecutor Eric Mathais on Twitter. Of these ten defendants, five were convicted and taken into custody, four had their cases dismissed and one was released. In Versailles (Yvelines), the nine defendants tried on Saturday were all convicted and imprisoned, franceinfo learned from a judicial source.

In Pontoise (Val-d’Oise), of the 16 immediate appearances this weekend, 14 individuals were convicted and remanded in custody, franceinfo learned from a judicial source. In Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine), 13 immediate appearances are taking place this Sunday, out of the 28 people brought to justice, franceinfo learned from the Nanterre prosecutor’s office. Only one conviction has been handed down so far. This is’a sentence of 240 hours of community service to be carried out, as well as a ban on possession of a weapon for five years. Only one dismissal is to be noted, with placement under judicial control for the individual.


In Grenoble (Isère), 12 people were condemned Sunday in immediate appearance, indicates the public prosecutor of the city. Of these 12, five were sentenced to prison sentences with warrant of committal, five to prison sentences under an electronic bracelet and two to community service sentences. Two dismissals for psychological expertise with judicial control are to be added to these immediate appearances as well as a release for nullity of the procedure. “There are nine people left to judge”specifies the parquet floor of Grenoble this Sunday evening.

Earlier in the day, the first three people tried in immediate appearance on Sunday were sentenced to three to four months in prison, reported a journalist from France Bleu Isère present at the hearings. The first young man was sentenced to three months in prison with home support with an electronic bracelet. The second man was sentenced to three months in prison with a warrant of committal. The third man, a young 22-year-old site manager, was sentenced to four months in prison with an electronic bracelet.

In Dijon (Côte d’Or), of the nine people arrested in Beaune and Dijon overnight from Friday to Saturday for urban violence, two “young adults” were tried on Sunday morning, reports France Blue Burgundy. One of these young people is sentenced to eight months in prison, four of which were suspended, for violence against the police, carrying a knife and participating in a crowd with his face hidden. There was no warrant of committal. He is therefore free from the court and will be summoned again to serve his sentence. The other young adult scoops six-month suspended prison sentence, with a probationary suspension of two years. He was arrested in Dijon and had to answer for “attempted degradation” and participation in a crowd with his face masked.

Centre-Loire Valley

In Chartres (Eure-et-Loir), three men were sentenced on Saturday for thefts in meetings, the prosecution said in a press release. A 25-year-old man was convicted to seven months in prison with immediate incarceration. Two other men, aged 29, were convicted six months’ imprisonment with probation for two years with the obligations to carry out 70 hours of community service, to carry out a citizenship course, to work or to undergo training, to pay the sums due to the public treasury and to receive treatment. Seven other people, aged 19 to 23, are summoned to an immediate appearance hearing on Monday for preparation for a group to prepare intentional violence.

Great East

In Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle), five participants in the violence in downtown Nancy overnight from Friday to Saturday received prison sentences on Sunday morning, reports France Bleu Lorraine Nord. Two people were sentenced eight months in prison, four of which are suspended for firing mortars at police officers. Two other people tried for defacing a downtown convenience store have been sentenced six-month suspended prison sentence, to a course of citizenship and the prohibition to appear in the Metropolis for one month. Finally, one last man was condemned five-month suspended prison sentence for having participated in a group with a view to committing violence or degradation.

Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur

In Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), the city prosecutor’s office announced on Sunday that more than 65 people will be tried in immediate appearance on Monday and Tuesday in Marseille for their participation in urban violence and looting in the city. The first 34 immediate appearances will take place on Monday.

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