The small hall of the VOKE József Attila Cultural Center was full of children’s squeals, where the city government presented Christmas gifts to children of families living in difficult situations.
“Some angels decided to bring the Christmas present a little earlier,” said Ákos Gál Gellért, professional director of the Family and Child Welfare Center and deputy head of the institution.
Municipal representative József Szabó was happy to inform the mothers and children in the hall that several generous Dunakes residents had offered many gifts for Christmas, thus helping the little angels. It has been ten years since the representative launched the campaign, within the framework of which more and more gifts are collected for needy children every year. József Szabó thanked the donors for helping to bring joy to the families with their donations, and he encourages everyone to join in if they can, and the gifts will continue to be distributed next week.
Mayor Csaba Dióssi thanked the staff of the DÓHSZK for their efforts, who help families in Dunakes throughout the year. The mayor wished the children and their parents happy holidays, and then they started personally handing out the gifts to the little ones, who jumped out of their skins with joy.
More about the possibility of donating you can read here.