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The first anti-rapprochement bracelet imposed in Eure-et-Loir

For the first time in Eure-et-Loir since the establishment of the device, the Chartres judicial court imposed on a convict, Friday, the wearing of the famous anti-reconciliation bracelet (BAR): a geolocation device that alerts the authorities if the latter violates a ban on contacting his victim.

A 36-year-old Drouais, sentenced for spousal violence, to three years’ imprisonment, including one year with a reinforced probationary suspension, will therefore have to wear this bracelet for one year, after having served the firm part of his sentence.

A 10 km perimeter

The president of the court, Emma Andrieu, followed the requisitions of the public prosecutor. “The profile of the accused, dangerous, recidivist on his spouse and having committed violence from the ascendant on a 15-year-old minor, seemed to us suited to the implementation of this new reinforced removal system, which reassures the victims and to protect them ”, explained, this Wednesday, the public prosecutor, Rémi Coutin.

“At the end of his detention, he must not approach the victim within 10 km. An alert will be given to the authorities, via his geolocated anti-reconciliation bracelet, if he does not comply with this measure. “

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The 10 km perimeter constitutes the most restrictive distance of this device. The judge responsible for the application of sentences will set up the terms of this reprieve upon his release, in order to prevent him from meeting the victims, even by chance.

Justice relies heavily on this device: “It has proven its worth in Spain for ten years, with a sharp drop in domestic homicides. Our desire, apart from remoteness, is to dissuade abusers from reoffending and committing feminicides. “

Avoid a recurrence

The Chartres judicial court has three bracelets. The stock is renewed at each allocation: “It can be set up for a perpetrator of domestic violence, without him being imprisoned. It all depends on his profile, analyzed, including his criminal record. “

Thierry delaunay

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