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the fires continue, maps and images

DIRECT. Fires in Australia: fires continue, maps and images

AUSTRALIA. Fires described as “monsters” are currently ravaging south-eastern Australia, where already 8.4 million hectares have gone up in smoke since September. At least 25 people died, as well as half a billion animals, including koalas and kangaroos.

The essential

  • If Australia is used to undergoing bush fires, this year the fires take on unprecedented proportions. Already 8.4 million hectares of vegetation have burned since September, the equivalent of the area of ​​Austria, or nine times the extent of the portion of Amazon rainforest that fires destroyed this summer.
  • At least 25 people died in the fires, and tens of thousands more were forced to vacate their homes for safety reasons.
  • The end of 2019 and the very first days of 2020 were marked by a worsening of the situation, leading to surges of international solidarity. Since this weekend, the rain has allowed a drop in temperatures, from 49 to 24 degrees in the Sydney area, allowing a reduction in fires. Thunderstorms could, however, occur over south-eastern Australia, which could trigger new fires. The wind could also fuel fires already underway.
  • A further rise in temperatures is expected to occur in the coming days, and the usual fire season is just beginning in the country. According to Australian authorities, the most worrying is yet to come: Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has publicly estimated that the situation could continue for “months” yet.
  • The fires have already killed at least half a billion dead animals, including 30% of the population of koalas in the southeast of the country, as well as many kangaroos and several endangered species. Experts describe the ongoing fires in Australia as a biodiversity disaster and an ecological disaster. Australia also had to make the decision to kill 10,000 wild camels.

On this map generated from the NASA website, we can observe the evolution of fires since December 1, 2019, with a considerable increase in the number of fire hotspots in the southeast of the country, at the end of December.



11:22 – New fires in southeast Australia?

Firefighters from New South Wales have provided new information on the development of fires in the south-east of the country, where 119 fires are currently underway. Mostly, a thunderstorm took place last night in the Sydney area and in the Blue Montains. Lightning bolts were seen, and firefighters announced that they were going to conduct reconnaissance today to see if this would generate new fire starting points.

11:05 – Cricketers on a burnt ground

Two cricketers, a major sport in Australia, moved to the places of intervention of the fire soldiers in New South Wales. The objective of this visit was to support the firefighters and to thank them for their work. In this video, you can see a glimpse of the charred territories of this region that players have visited.

10:54 – 10,000 camels will be slaughtered in Australia

Australian authorities have announced their decision to kill 10,000 wild camels. These are snipers who will perform this operation from helicopters. According to AFP sources, dromedaries constitute a danger for the population because, thirsty, they approach certain inhabited areas.

07/01/20 – 23:33 – Terrible images of the fires in Australia

[Fin du direct] Despite a lull, fires continue to rage in Australia, as can be seen in these impressive Guardian footage. However, we expect a further rise in temperatures this week, which could give a new dimension to the fires.


If the situation is understood to be dramatic in terms of material damage and human losses, the results are also terrible with regard to animals and vegetation. An initial assessment by experts from the University of Sydney in terms of biodiversity estimates that at least 480 million mammals, birds and reptiles have died in fires. “Most likely died directly in the fires. Others died later due to lack of food, shelter or predation by feral cats and red foxes,” they said in a statement.

According to Franck Courchamp, ecologist and researcher at the CNRS whose Express collected the remarks, this represents only a part of the colossal loss of individuals of other species of our ecosystem, since “in this count, we do not speaks neither of amphibians, nor of insects, nor of plants. ” A considerable number of koalas, kangaroos and platypuses perished in the flames. Ultimately, researchers believe that the ravages caused by fires will completely unbalance the flora and fauna of the continent, since they will cause the displacement of whole species in other territories, or even the extinction of some.

According to Futura Sciences, at least 30% of the region’s koalas have perished in flames, while this animal species is already threatened with extinction. The number of koalas in the region was estimated between 15,000 to 28,000 before the fires. One video in particular moved the canvas, on which we can see a woman saving a koala perched on a branch and partly burned. While impressive flames are visible in the background, we see her catching the animal with her T-shirt to rescue him. Unfortunately, after being fed and watered and regaining some vigor, the animal died, despite the veterinary care that was brought to it. Other koalas have been taken care of by organizations such as the koala hospital, whose president Sue Ashton spoke to AFP to describe the seriousness of the loss of specimens of koalas from this region: ” These koalas are of particular importance because they are a very diverse population on a genetic level. It is a national tragedy because this population of koalas is unique, “she deplored.

The world organization WWF (World Fund for Nature), offers to those who wish to support the restoration of the habitat of the koalas, more particularly with the crisis they are currently experiencing because of these “monster” fires. For this, it is possible to choose the amount of the desired donation, whatever it is, by clicking on this link. The money thus raised makes it possible to replant trees, but also to finance medicines and emergency care for koalas, protect forests that are still intact and combat deforestation.

Meteorologist Guillaume Séchet told the Parisian that “these fires are linked to global warming but not only. A remarkable drought for a year, record temperatures and desert winds have been the perfect cocktail for uncontrollable fires. But there also has the role of arsonists and population pressure in the coastal area. ” According to the Weather Channel, temperatures reached 48.9 degrees this Saturday in Penrith, 50 km from Sydney. An extreme heat peak, followed by an overall temperature drop of 20 to 25 degrees in the south-east of the country this Sunday thanks to the passage of a disturbance. However, the fire alert remains maintained throughout the region, in addition to the fires already underway. Meteorological institutes have also set up a thunderstorm alert, and any lightning strike may generate new fires, which strong winds are likely to spread. Temperatures are expected to rise again mid-week, fueling the ongoing fires.

Personalities’ reactions

Emmanuel Macron posted this message on Twitter on January 5, in which he expressed his “solidarity with the Australian people in the face of the fires which are ravaging their country.” The President of the Republic said he phoned Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison to offer “immediate operational assistance to fight fires, protect people and preserve biodiversity.” The Queen of England herself sent a message of condolence to the Governor General of Australia, expressing her deep sadness. Singers Pink and Kylie Minogue, as well as actress Nicole Kidman each made a pledge of $ 500,000 to fight the flames.

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