Home » World » The fire of a house in Vallvidrera (Barcelona), among the hundreds of emergency calls due to the storms in Catalonia

The fire of a house in Vallvidrera (Barcelona), among the hundreds of emergency calls due to the storms in Catalonia

The emergency telephone number 112 has received 192 calls until 9 a.m. this Saturday for incidents related to the rain episode that have generated 123 files in Catalonia. One of these incidents was the fire of a house that burned down early in the morning in the Vallvidrera neighborhood of Barcelona, ​​presumably due to lightning.

According to reports Europa Pressthe house is made of wood and two people have suffered minor injuries with bruises on their legs and head. The Firefighters received the notification shortly after eight in the morning. A resident of Vallvidrera, Patrícia Fernández, in an interview with TV3explained that the fire started about five minutes after a strong lightning strike in the area, due to the episode of rain this Saturday in Catalonia. The neighbors of the burned house had to jump out of the window of the property.

Sources from Barcelona City Council have informed EFE that the lightning strike has affected a wooden house located at number 18 Gerau de Liost Street, where its occupants had to jump from the house to the garden due to the speed with which it struck. The flames have spread. The health services have evacuated the two people with injuries of various degrees to the hospital to a hospital in Barcelona.

The firefighters, who have sent two ambulances and nine crews to the area, have managed to surround the fire and have put out the flames. The fire has left the house uninhabitable, which must be demolished.

Firefighters working against the fire

Barcelona Bombers

This has been the most spectacular situation that has been lamented due to the episode of rain in Catalonia, but not the only one. The regions that accumulate the most calls to 112 are Barcelonès with 55, L’Anoia (Barcelona) with 17 and Baix Camp (Tarragona) also with 17, according to the service in a publication in X.

By municipality, Badalona (Barcelona) has registered 31 calls, followed by Barcelona with 18 and Sitges with 11, while the district that has recorded the most notices has been Barcelona with 71.88% of the calls.

Strong intensity

According to Meteocat, some points in the territory are close to 80 millimeters of accumulated precipitation, which in some cases has fallen with strong intensity.

During the night from Friday to Saturday there have been two exceedances of 40 liters per square meter (l/m2) in 30 minutes in Mont-roig del Camp (Tarragona) and Sant Sadurní d’Anoia (Barcelona).

Civil Protection of the Generalitat also reports in a message in X of eight exceedances of 20 l/m2 in 30 minutes, without significant effects.

The flow of the rivers increases

The Catalan Water Agency has notified that the flow of some rivers is beginning to increase due to the rains and has called on people to avoid accessing river channels or crossing fords and low points.

Among them, the Llobregat river near Guardiola de Berguedà (Barcelona) brought a flow of 76.6 cubic meters per second (m3/s) at around 7:15 a.m.

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