Home » today » World » The fire ignited the “white paper revolution”! MAC appeals to the CCP: respond to people’s requests as soon as possible | International | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

The fire ignited the “white paper revolution”! MAC appeals to the CCP: respond to people’s requests as soon as possible | International | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Center of Mainland China / Reported by Zhang Jianing

Cities across China have launched a “white paper revolution” to express their dissatisfaction with China’s zero-clearing policy. Respond to people’s demands and adjust unreasonable and excessive restrictions.”

▲The fire in Urumqi sparked a “white paper revolution”, and the incident continued to spread. (Image / Reposted from Twitter)

There have been frequent protests in response to the casualties and disasters that have occurred in China due to the severe lockdown in recent days, which has led the population and university students to demonstrate their opposition. In this regard, the MAC issued a statement expressing concern about the unnecessary casualties caused by the zero block.

The MAC stressed that people’s basic rights to basic living, freedom of expression and movement should be respected and protected, and called on the Communist Party of China to respond to people’s requests as soon as possible, adjust unreasonable and excessive restrictions and to manage the protests in a rational and peaceful event.

The MAC stressed, “We request the Chinese authorities to take reasonable and appropriate epidemic prevention measures as soon as possible, gradually adjust and ease unreasonable controls, and safeguard people’s fundamental rights and interests in life and freedom of movement, actively listen to and respond to their reasonable requests, and let mainland China’s society return to normal as soon as possible.” Finally, the MAC also reminded people in mainland China to pay close attention to relevant developments and pay attention to personal safety.

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