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the fine imposed on the mayor of Paris for appointing too many directors is canceled

Paris City Hall will not have to pay 90,000 euros for appointing too many women to managerial positions. The fine is canceled.

Anne Hidalgo arrived around 8:15 am this Wednesday at the headquarters of the Ministry of the Public Service in Paris to speak with the minister. She was accompanied by several women elected from the town hall. Cameras and photographers were present.

We have taken positive note that these 90,000 euros have not been asked of us“, reacted the mayor of Paris at the end of the meeting.”So we are going to pay them to the Solidarités femmes federation which today manages the 39-19“, the listening number for women victims of violence.

The case had shocked

The affair had caused a stir in 2018. The City had been “verbalizedfor having appointed to new jobs, 11 women against 5 men to director and assistant director positions. At the time, this rate of female appointments of 69% violated the obligation, in force in 2018, to respect a minimum quota of 40% of members of each sex in order to ensure a balanced representation of women and men, explained the Ministry of Public Service at the time.

The device has been repealed

The fine of 90,000 euros“was”under a mechanism resulting from the Sauvadet law of 2012, which the government repealed by the law on the transformation of the civil service passed in June 2019“, recalled the minister Wednesday.

This repeal decision taken in 2017 was explained by the obviously absurd and counterproductive nature of this provision in the fight against inequalities between women and men in administrations and local authorities“.

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