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the finances of the Brest-Carhaix hospital in the red in 2020

In taking stock of a necessarily exceptional year, the Director General of the Brest Regional University Hospital (CHRU) first wanted to “pay tribute to the commitment of the teams”. Florence Favrel-Feuillade, appointed last summer, then spoke of the sharp decline in activity, put on hold for long weeks. In 2020, hospitalizations decreased by 2.5% and outpatient visits have fallen by 10%.

5 million euros deficit

The fight against Covid-19 has above all generated a additional cost of 12 million euros for the establishment, practically entirely compensated by the State. Despite everything, the CHU ended the year 2020 with a deficit of around 5 million euros. “This does not undermine our ambitions in terms of modernization and investment projects” indicates the general manager, who counts in particular on the recovery plan.

Many projects

While the outpatient surgery center brand new welcomed its first patients at the end of January, there is no shortage of projects for the coming months and years to come. The Cancer Institute is expected for spring 2023 on the Cavale Blanche site. Bohars Psychiatric Hospital will be rebuilt. And an pediatric reception unit for children at risk, with a room dedicated to victims, will be opened this year at Morvan hospital. Finally, two dental chairs will soon be fitted Carhaix hospital, city facing a shortage of dental surgeons.

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