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“The figures are scary”, associations warn about the increase in the number of homeless

Homeless people in a street in Nice – SYSPEO / SIPA

  • 1,324 people are in great precariousness in the streets of Nice.
  • 50% of them were not a year ago.
  • “There is nothing to indicate that it will be better tomorrow”, worries the secretary general of the Federation of the Alpes-Maritimes of the Secours populaire.

“50% of the people we met have been on the street for less than a year,” notes Tanja Jakic of the Solidarity 06 association, which makes the direct link with the Covid-19 crisis. With fifteen other organizations working in Nice, it organized the first census of homeless populations in order to “better understand the situation, organize the raids in a better way and respond more quickly to needs”.

“We realized that there were more and more people during the distributions,” continues Tanja Jakic. In March 2020, we were at 100 meals per evening. We then went to 150 and there, from Saturday, we increase further. “

“The image of the homeless has changed, it could be you or me”

After this day, a reality and figures that “scare”. Tanja Jakic comments: “1,324 people live in great precariousness. A year ago, half of them had a job, a home and a normal life. Today, the image of the homeless has changed a lot. It could be you or me ”.

The associations call them “the new poor”. Those who have just arrived in the street, “victims of the health crisis”, according to Jean Stellittano, secretary general of the Alpes-Maritimes federation of Secours populaire.

“We had already carried out a survey in September. At that time, it was 40% of people who were “new”. And again, we had had a short summer season. But the numbers are only growing. The region is particularly affected because it has an important tourism and event sector. What we fear is the end of the winter break. People will be evicted from accommodation, businesses will file for bankruptcy. The month of June is going to be a new stage. It will take a real mobilization of the State and citizens. “

“We stand ready if a need arises again in June”

For the local representative of Secours populaire, the problem with these new profiles, “is that they do not know the devices and they are ashamed of their situation”. He continues: “The most frightening are the 6% of homeless people who are under 24 years old. The hardest part when a young person arrives in the street is to bring him out. In addition, it is an invisible public, which does everything to not notice it. “

An alarming observation also made by Jennifer Salles-Barbosa, deputy for solidarity and vice-president of the Communal Center for Social Action (CCAS): “What we can ensure is the increase in the number of people at distributions. But the census is tricky because these populations fluctuate. Overnight, it can be quite different ”.

She adds: “Today, there are very few refusals in the accommodation centers. What follows is all the more worrying since we are already suffering from the repercussions of the health crisis. And after, it will be the economic crisis. There will be other issues. “Last year, the devices did not close after the winter break, if a need arises this year,” we stand ready to respond as well. The priority is to protect all audiences and to anticipate as best as possible, ”sighs Jennifer Salles-Barbosa.

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