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The figure of a police general who was sent a message by a woman asking for a proposal & Rp 30 million in money

Jakarta, Insertlive

The National Police Chief at that time, General Tito Karnavian transferred Commissioner Krishna Murti to become Head of the International Mission Bureau of the International Relations Division of the Indonesian National Police. In this position, Krishna was promoted to Brigadier General Pol.

The transfer of Krishna was stated in the Decree of the National Police Chief Number KEP/758/VII/2017. Krishna will replace Brigadier General Mulyana who was appointed Economic Director of the National Police Security Intelligence Agency. The mutation decision was circulated via telegram number ST/1772/VII/2017, a copy of which was received by journalists, Friday (21/7).

Head of the Public Information Division of the National Police Public Relations Division, Senior Commissioner Martinus Sitompul, confirmed the mutation. According to him, this mutation is a normal career development activity.

“This is a refresher for a position and a promotion for officers,” he said at the National Police Headquarters, Friday (21/7).

Krishna Murti is one of the popular police figures, especially when he served as Director of the General Criminal Investigation of the Polda Metro Jaya in 2016. It could be said, he was the one who introduced the slogan ‘Turn Back Crime’ in the Bhayangkara corps which later became popular among the public.

The slogan “Turn Back Crime” which is written large on a navy blue collared shirt became popular after the terror incident near the Sarinah shopping center, Jalan MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta in January 2016.

In the Sarinah bombing incident, Krishna Murti became the most concerned figure. He became viral like a celebrity and earned the nickname handsome policeman. Even the appearance of Krishna Murti during a shootout with terrorists in that incident also became a discussion for netizens, ranging from the clothes, pants to the shoes worn by this 51-year-old man.

Her face graced the national media and social media. He also became a public idol. The name Krishna Murti re-emerged when handling the case of cyanide-toxic coffee that killed Wayan Mirna Salihahin with the suspect Jessica Kumala Wongso in 2016.

Krishna Murti has also served in the United Nations and is often faced with tense situations.

Care about Appearance

As a police officer, Krishna Murti is known as a police officer who cares about his appearance. Several luxury fashion products sometimes complement the appearance of this Maluku-born General of Police. For him appearance is very important.

For him the police must be presentable. “Police in America are cool,” he said in an interview.

He has also gone viral several times because of his uploads. And the latest is when this one-star police general uploaded the contents of a woman’s message asking the general to propose. It’s just that the woman who claimed to be named Nia asked for a proposal with a certain brand of car, a luxury house and a minimum monthly payment of IDR 30 million.

However, the conversation was taken lightly by the police general.


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