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The fight to repair the climate is first and foremost a humanist fight

“We can look at the Climate Law as a chiaroscuro. Street lights and spotlights effect of its lighting, blind spots and black holes of its shadow.

→ DOSSIER. The Citizen’s Climate Convention: our special dossier

This feeling, born out of a democratic process, is ambivalent, to say the least. A surprising and fruitful popular education laboratory, the Citizen’s Climate Convention suffered from the misunderstanding maintained by the executive: an idealization and, in the end, a feeling of contempt.

The time will come, as for the Estates General of Food with regard to the Egalim law, to write the history of these public innovations as so many failed meetings of a democratic continuum to be rebuilt between civil society, Parliament, Public authorities and Government.

→ THE FACTS. Climate, the main measures of the bill

Democratic emergency, climate emergency. Avoid the pitfall of “doing nothing” like that of “pretending to do” … To enter this debate by avoiding the double illusion of small steps and great dizziness, three avenues open to us:

Think about territory and planet

The outsourcing of our carbon footprint to third countries must be disclosed. A local / global accounting of our economy proceeds from a solidary sovereignty that Mireille Delmas Marty opposes to solitary sovereignty.

→ DEBATE. Should we reduce or offset CO2 emissions?

This life cycle accounting takes note of our interdependence: it makes us ethically close to the first victims of climate change that are geographically distant. It precedes the research and sharing of innovative and cooperative solutions in production chains well beyond their relocation.

Thinking beyond carbon

The only carbon vision is a one-eyed vision. The same goes for agriculture as the rest, the performance sought in the carbon economy cannot ignore food security and biodiversity as life insurance!

→ EXPLANATION. CO2 emissions: the French trajectory is the subject of debate

Against the risks of instrumentalization, we are called to a pedagogy of the right balance within each human activity and their hierarchy. A double look which is today the mission of science. The expected rise of the High Council for the Climate in Agency or Public Authority would give this science the framework and the crucible to illuminate the expected transitions.

Think social and ecology

Science and conscience! It alone can help us to arbitrate the allocation of carbon debt in a finite world. Without ever despairing of the technological revolutions that science will allow, we are faced with the most overwhelming of human innovations: justice. It is in the name of the equal dignity of the human person that this time is for the renewal of planning, thought of as a sharing of resources in time and space. A public authority which, by means of the budget and standards, sets as many limits as new fields of exploration to the best of entrepreneurship.

At the end of the street as at the end of the world, the fight to repair the climate is first and foremost a humanist fight. ”

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