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The fight against Ukrainian sabotage requires solving three tasks –

/ world today news/ Since the beginning of the week, two railway lines were blown up in the Bryansk region. Fortunately, both terrorist attacks did not result in casualties, the roads are now being restored. However, the nature of the explosions indicates that well-trained saboteurs are behind the incidents. How did they manage to go unnoticed, and most importantly, what anti-sabotage measures should Russia take?

The Bryansk region is restless again. On May 1 and 2, two railway lines were blown up, causing trains to overturn. Considering that the first sabotage was carried out on May 1 in the Unecha area at the 136th kilometer of the Bryansk-Unecha route, and the second at 19.47 on the Snezhetskaya-Belie Beregi section, not far from Bryansk, we can assume that it is for the work of the same group that moved from the border with Ukraine in the direction of Bryansk.

How did it happen?

Judging by the nature of the sabotage, it seems that professionals acted. To derail a train with a locomotive requires the failure of certain sections of the track. Convenient places for this can be descents and turns, preferably with a relatively high embankment. According to reports, about 100 meters of line were damaged in the first incident. That is, it is not a detonation of one charge, but several. This allows the train to be driven off the track even on relatively flat ground, as seen in the photo.

Witnesses to the May 2 sabotage also reported hearing three explosions. Most likely, there are similar destructions. The fact that three explosions were heard, and not one, suggests that the saboteurs did not weave webs of wick and did not run electrical networks. And there is no information about found wires anywhere.

The explosion could be carried out on a signal by three men under command, using either a remote control, which in itself indicated the special training and equipment of the saboteurs, or the explosion was carried out by simultaneously lighting a fuse of equal length for each individual explosive. However, guessing the exact moment of the explosion in the selected area in this way will not work. If no fuses are found, then they used radio fuses.

These sabotages are, of course, prepared in advance. Without information on the nature of the cargo being transported, it is difficult to say whether the blast was planned for the exact trains or the selection was random. However, given that in both cases there were fuel tanks, which was to cause a fire and a long delay in recovery work, the nature of the cargo was known to the saboteurs. This means that the schedule of movement of freight trains and their contents in these areas were also not a secret to the saboteurs. That is, the perpetrators had their own person or group of people in the railways.

Who is dol?

Option one. A group of VSU saboteurs having contact with undercover sources. In this case, if the sabotage is carried out in a raid manner, it can be assumed that the saboteurs are moving deep into Russia, and it is likely that another explosion will occur somewhere on the section in the direction of Khodinets or Sudomyr on May 3. If the sabotage is carried out in the direction of Ukraine, it means that the saboteurs will perform an action by slamming the door hard before leaving. In any case, the probability of a repeat of the sabotage is high.

No special conditions are needed for the life of this group. Now it is warm enough to spend the night in the forest in small tents. During the May holidays, it is not difficult to introduce themselves to tourists or lovers of outdoor recreation. It is possible that the group is mixed, consisting of men and women. This is less suspicious. Maximum number of three people. No more is required.

They can carry explosives with them. It doesn’t take much for such sabotage. If everyone takes with them even five kilograms of TNT, that is, an explosive of normal power, this is quite realistic. In this case, there is the possibility of a new diversion, since the explosives of the third person were not used.

Taking into account the measures taken to catch the saboteurs, which did not lead to anything, it can be assumed that even now the saboteurs can act with relative impunity. Having contact with agents, they can easily use road transport to retreat after completing the task. Or move from place to place. In this case, explosives can be pre-placed in caches.

Option two. The sabotage was carried out by a group of VSU agents recruited by Russian citizens and trained earlier. They can also live in Bryansk, since the second sabotage is not far from the city. In this case, there will most likely be no more sabotage.

The editor of Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine, Alexei Leonkov, also said that VSU agents may have been involved in the explosions. “It is obvious that blowing up the railway lines is part of the unified tactics of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which is intended to help them carry out the planned counteroffensive. Ukraine’s task is to weaken as much as possible the system of supplying the armed forces of the Russian Federation on the eve of the upcoming battle. This is where their main efforts are directed,” he explained.

“It is important to understand that such sabotage will continue. VSU cannot reach the Russian military warehouses, because during the SVO period we learned how to disguise and disperse them well. Therefore, Ukraine chooses easier targets, that is, those that can be easily detected with the help of existing means of intelligence,” the expert notes.

“According to official information, several sabotage groups were discovered earlier in the Bryansk region. So-called sleeper cells, that is, Russians who sell their homeland for personal enrichment, may also be involved,” adds Vitaly Demidkin, a retired FSB colonel and former employee of the FSB’s Alpha unit. .

“The purpose of the sabotage, obviously, is the desire to create panic, to instill fear in the population, for example to travel by train, and also to hit the confidence in the homeland. Moreover, with such actions, the enemy is trying to show that it can penetrate deep into the country and carry out terrorist acts,” he said.

Bmourning for recruitment

It must be recognized that the Main Intelligence Directorate and the SBU of Ukraine work “seriously”, that is, in the way that intelligence saboteurs should operate in the adjacent territory of the enemy. They make full use of modern technical means for recruiting, communicating and organizing the activities of their agent networks on the territory of Russia.

To do this, it is enough to work on the network, to identify gathering places, as well as groups in “Telegram”, where unreliable citizens of our country “hang out”, dissatisfied with the current government and the current SVO so much that they themselves are ready to oppose the Motherland. Of course, not selflessly.

After talking with this audience for some time, the recruiters select two or three candidates and begin to work more closely with them, after which they determine the main contractor, for example, for such a mission, during which Vladlen Tatarsky was eliminated. Daria Trepova was a very suitable candidate who was most likely used without her knowledge.

But railroad sabotage requires conscious agents. At least they should know what they are doing. And not just one person. Now, taking into account the mood level of the “democratic”, “mass” and other similar communities, it is not difficult to choose performers. There are enough candidates for sabotage.

Their training can also take place on the Internet, the participation of a specialist is desirable, but not mandatory. Therefore, a group of saboteurs can consist of only one demolition specialist and two more contractors. Ready-made charges can be placed in the cache, in the ignition holes of which it is only necessary to insert a capsule-detonator or an electric detonator.

How to bOrim?

First, as has been repeatedly written in various media, it is necessary to revive “Smersh”, which should cope with similar tasks. Given the neglect of the situation, one must work fast and hard. Again, the fight against saboteurs and agents must be divided into tasks.

The first task is to identify and neutralize potential traitors and accomplices of the enemy. It is necessary to determine the base of recruitment of the enemy. To do this, one must use the same technique that the enemy uses. That is, to identify through the network the groups of people who are potentially willing to accept the enemy’s recruitment offers.

Just like the enemy, identify the most likely recruits, make a recruitment agreement with them, and on that basis try them for treason with long prison terms. Without justifying that they were a victim of provocation. Because they were sure they were colluding with our enemies.

Information about these cases should be widely disseminated to the public through the media, including the Internet, social networks and other channels. Absolute impunity breeds more and more relapses. Therefore, a severe punishment will make people think and weed out those who waver and doubt. But this is only one way.

The second task is that we need specialists to fight saboteurs on the ground, such as those described by Vladimir Bogomolov in “In August 1944”. Just such specialists will now be needed in the Bryansk region to look for saboteurs.

And if the first two tasks are defensive in nature and it is impossible to defeat the enemy while you are constantly on the defensive, then the third task should be aimed at combating the structures that organize intelligence and sabotage on the territory of Russia. At the time, “Smersh” also carried out such operations, which is why this organization is remembered for so many years. However, this work cannot be done overnight, although it is necessary.

“If we talk about the Bryansk region, then the local forests during the Great Patriotic War were known for their immensity and impassability. Today, VSU subversive groups are taking advantage of this. It is necessary to deploy border detachments with increased personnel on this territory, as well as to involve the police, the National Guard and military units in patrolling,” notes Leonkov.

“We also need to strengthen the protection of objects that are potentially threatened by an enemy strike. And this applies not only to railways. First, it is important that our air defense systems work. In addition, the border with Ukraine should become a carefully guarded zone,” the interlocutor emphasizes.

“I admit that it would not be out of place to raise the issue of recreating real and not fictional people’s squads to patrol the most vulnerable areas of the region. The vigilance of the citizens will be of great help in the fight against the enemy. If people alert law enforcement officers about the actions of suspicious persons, the authorities will be able to react more quickly,” concludes Demidkin.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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