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The Fifth Anniversary of China International Import Expo: Viewing Global Boutiques and World Opportunities – China Daily

(South Square of China International Import Expo Photo: Chang Shuai Shuai)

China Net Finance, November 8 (Reporter Chang Shuai Shuai) See global boutiques and pick up opportunities around the world. So far, the China International Import Expo has gone through five years.

According to Sun Chenghai, Deputy Director of the China International Import Expo Bureau, a total of 145 countries, regions and international organizations attended this year’s CIIE and 284 Fortune 500 companies and industry leaders attended the trade show. All member states of the “Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership” (RCEP) have companies participating in the exhibition and the number of participating countries along the “Belt and Road” and SCO has also increased from the previous session. At the same time, Nicaragua, Djibouti, Mauritania, Comoros, Mozambique, Congo (DRC), Iraq and Iceland will participate in the national exhibition for the first time.

As in previous years, many companies will use the CIIE as a booth for the world premiere of new products, new technologies and the first in China. This year, Johnson & Johnson’s VARIPULSE Magnetic Positioning Multichannel Pulsed Ablation Catheter for the treatment of atrial fibrillation inaugurated its “world premiere” at the CIIE. Additionally, Johnson & Johnson also brought paliperidone palm ester injection drug (PP6M), which is the first and only drug in the world that can effectively treat schizophrenia twice a year.

(Photo author: Chang Shuai Shuai)

The 5th CIIE will show more content, with a new area for the crop seed industry. On November 8, the public visited the high-yielding fruit and vegetable seedlings in the Guangming Home Port exhibition area.

(Photo author: Chang Shuai Shuai)

Entering the second floor of the food exhibition area, the reporter saw that the French Pavilion of the Castel had set up a “Castell Express” from “Bordeaux-Shanghai”. Many hundreds of years old furniture were exhibited on the train, bringing the audience “Time Travel”.

(Photo author: Chang Shuai Shuai)

In the pharmaceutical exhibition area, like an old friend of the Expo, GSK has accelerated the approval, launch and access of various products in China, from “exhibits to commodities”, from “first show to first place”. The injection of mepolizumab, which once again appeared on the Expo stage this year, will be approved by the Food and Drug Administration within two weeks of its “first show” at the Expo in 2021 and the first prescription will be issued in July this year. year Realizes the leap of identity from “first exhibition” to “first place”. At the same time, this year’s GSK booth also held a lupus-themed photo exhibit, which showcases the ‘cocoon break’ journey of lupus patients, encouraging patients and raising awareness of the disease.

(Photo author: Chang Shuai Shuai)

Attention to women’s health is one of the themes on which many companies in the pharmaceutical exhibition area are focusing this year. This year’s CIIE is O’Jallon’s debut and is also the first time O’Jalon has officially appeared at CIIE as an independent operating company after being separated from Merck & Co last year. Ogallon brings a number of innovative products to its China debut and Expo debut, including a “fertility-friendly” contraceptive option – currently the only Ebonone-approved single-root subcutaneous implant contraceptive (etonogestrel). plants) etc.

(Photo author: Chang Shuai Shuai)

In the consumer goods exhibition area, the “Diamond Mahjong”, a high-end personalized jewelry brand, “Diamond Mahjong” made its “first show” at the 5th CIIE, attracting onlookers.

(Photo author: Chang Shuai Shuai)

The CIIE, in fact, is not only a platform for the exchange of goods, cooperation and negotiation, but also a platform for cultural exchanges between different countries and different companies. This year is the third time the NBA has participated in the CIIE. In addition to the interactive basketball area, the exhibition hall also features the development of the NBA in China for over 40 years, the NBA’s assistance actions and the development of NBA youth basketball through video materials, conveying social responsibility and spirit cultural heritage of the NBA.

(Photo author: Chang Shuai Shuai)

Low carbon wind is the mainstream of the 5th CIIE. This year’s CIIE adheres to the direction of the “green, green and sustainable” exhibition and continues to build a “zero carbon CIIE”. In the P&G exhibition hall, the colorful “air capsules” on the wall attracted the demands of the exhibitors. The reporter learned that P & G’s new “air capsule” ushered in its world debut at the CIIE: not only did it add recycled PCR plastics to the materials used in manufacturing, but it also offered solutions suitable for different industries and products to help to make express delivery. “Zero carbon” packaging.

(Photo author: Chang Shuai Shuai)

The reporter noted that compared to the previous CIIEs, at the 5th CIIE there is much more staff broadcasting in live streaming. The company not only negotiates and cooperates with global companies in the CIIE pavilion, but will also bring goods to the live broadcast hall. “in the exhibition hall and sell the products on the spot.

(Chang Shuai Shuai)

[Direttore responsabile: Xu Dan]

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