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The festival “Saliamonas” returns to Kretingale

The “Saliamonas” festival is created by a hard-working team: Jolita Morkuvienė, Jurgita Andronatij, Gintarė Stankūnaitė, Aja Paulauskienė, Egidijus Lisovoj, led by KC director V. Lisovaitė (first from the right).

The goal of the “Saliamonas” festival conceived by the Kretingalė Cultural Center (KC) is to revive the art of speech, to develop rhetoric and the consumer of culture through practical public speaking classes, literary performances, and bard concerts. The first event is on March 21st and the last one is on May 19th. We spoke with KC director Violeta LISOVAITE about what inspired the original project, which is being carried out for the second year.
An intriguing title
– How did the idea of ​​holding a festival with the unusual name “Solomon” come about?
– Klaipėda district municipality assigned the Kretingalė cultural center to foster and reveal the direction of poetry and the art of words. However, this genre is not a product of the first necessity for a modern person. It is not an easy task: how to get the audience interested in poetry and literature? Is that possible? Why is it relevant these days? Shouldn’t libraries take care of that?
One evening, after all the work, I realized that I no longer have time for myself, the pace of life is only increasing. I said consolingly: “But everything passes. This too will pass.” I even smiled when I remembered how the Lithuanian language teacher read this legend of Solomon to us, the students, in class. I remembered her for the rest of my life. And then it occurred to me to read more about who Solomon is, who wrote such wise legends. I found both his proverbs and the answer on the Internet that he is a sage – a symbol of wisdom. I have heard that this is a biblical character, who, it is not clear, existed at all. But in society, the grove is a symbol of Solomon as a man who loves a wise word. I thought that the festival dedicated to the art of words “Saliamonas” would intrigue and arouse curiosity just because of its name. To my knowledge, there is no second such festival organized in Lithuania, its name is original. Solomon, as a symbol, really gives meaning to the festival dedicated to fostering the art of the word. Then I thought again that each of us is a kind of Solomon, and it all started…
Part of cultural identity
– Why is this project relevant?
– Sometimes I experience an internal conflict due to the currently prevailing fashion of speaking in foreign words, inserting anglicisms. It is disturbing that after school children communicate with each other on the streets not in Lithuanian, but in English. There is a shortage of words, when forming a sentence, one cannot find a Lithuanian equivalent to express one’s thoughts. In TV shows or even news broadcasts, authoritative Lithuanian people also like anglicisms. Once my grandmother called me and said: “Son, I really like a show, but I no longer understand how they speak and what they say.”
It is also noticeable that people no longer try to speak a clean and articulate language. We end up forgetting what it means not only to speak, but also to listen, to be heard. On the scene, we hear and see everything that causes concern. It seems that nobody is interested in poetry anymore, and Lithuanian literature is unnecessarily underestimated. All of these reasons make the festival “Saliamonas” relevant and necessary. His idea is to revive the art of speech, to develop rhetoric and the consumer of culture through practical public speaking classes, through literary performances, bard concerts. And we draw the attention of young people by organizing a reading competition, which is an important component of the festival. Lithuanian, clear, effective and articulate speaking is not only the basis of being on stage, but also a part of our cultural identity.
The team is united by an idea
– What difficulties do you face when organizing a festival with 10 events?
– This project is implemented by a small, very hardworking team of 5-6 people. A few professionals come to the rescue by contributing behind-the-scenes work. Those of us who create the project feel united by the idea itself. We are happy that the project is financed by the Lithuanian Council of Culture – this evaluation is the biggest incentive for us, but like every creator in the country, we would like a bigger financial incentive. 30 percent The municipality of Klaipėda district contributes to the financing of LKT. The main emphasis on financing is being implemented. Solving the problems of publicity, props, scenography, team clothing and design, we work in various ways, we even have to contribute from the salary. So far, “Saliamons” does not have a businessman-sponsor-patron. Maybe when will we get it?
There is no need for human resources, sound and light inventory to direct the festival in the direction of modernity. The concert halls of Kretingalė, Girkaliė and Plikė accommodate only 100 people each. If you really want to, you can find more of those difficulties, but we are optimistic and always follow the rule: if at least one viewer sees the meaning, you should also create for them. You would hardly find a creator or cultural center in Lithuania where cultural workers can boast of comfort. Everywhere you need to put a lot of work, heart, and trials become lessons.
Kretingalė KC never submitted applications to the Lithuanian Culture Council – they started submitting applications recently. There was a belief that attracting financing is mission impossible: we are so small, who cares about us. So imagine what it means to us that the project is funded. This fact is a test and a commitment.
The power of the word
– How do the audience evaluate the festival?
– The attendance of the events is excellent, they are well appreciated by the spectators. Last year, when the project was implemented for the first time, an audience of people was formed, who visited almost all the events of the festival. It is very inspiring. I know that there are those who are waiting for “Solomon” this spring as well.
An ordinary person may not realize that there is a lot of bureaucratic and computer work in the field of culture. Tables, reports, procedures, economic affairs and laws are our daily routine, so it is often difficult to concentrate on new creative works. However, a good word, a nice feedback is a return that sweeps away despair and strengthens. This is how important a word is in life and what power it has. This festival created the uniqueness of our KC at the Klaipėda county level. I believe that an audience of fans of the word festival is already forming. These are children and youth, middle-aged audiences and seniors.
To grow and to grow others
– What will surprise you this year?
– This year’s motto is Solomon’s phrase: “You are the light of the world.” You are the stars. You are the temple of truth. The Universe lives in each of you.” This year’s content and professional performers will be different from last year. We will get to know and meet the actors Arūnas Sakalauskas, Ramūnas Abukevičius, Vaidotas Martinačius. Even three professional literary performances of “Labas” theater are planned. The bards will be represented by Vladas Bagdonas, Gediminas and Ainis Storpirščiai, Vytautas V. Landsbergis and his wife Ramune. We will organize a contest for children and youth readers of Klaipėda county on the theme of the universe. The main message of this year’s festival will be about discovering your personal star in the sky, about the ability to see, hear and speak. Directorial details and scenography moments will help reveal this.
– The word “universe” is associated with silence, but is silence really not sound? Or maybe you need to hear yourself first? Do you have any future plans for this festival? Can you see a vision?
– The biggest wish is to grow the festival to the national level. We just have to believe that we are not too small. Lovers of art and literature and professionals could come en masse to Kretingalė borough in the spring. It could become modern and trendy. We plan a lot, but the Universe also has its own plans…
– How would you summarize the value created by this festival?
– The artistic bar of the cultural center is being raised, a cultural change is being created. The needs of audiences of various ages are met, communities are united, and Klaipėda district is celebrated. The art of speech, rhetoric is nurtured and revived. Professionalism and competencies in the field of poetry are growing. This festival has the ability to grow itself and grow others.

Prepared by Virginija LAPIENĖ
Egidijus LISOVAJ’s photo.

#festival #Saliamonas #returns #Kretingale
– 2024-04-04 01:10:10

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