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The festival “Positivus” will take place next year in Riga / Article

It is planned that the festival will continue to take place in Riga.

The “Positivus” festival in Lucavsala will no longer offer 24-hour activities, as was usual in Salacgrīva,

but there will be many new things that will be discovered gradually. The first artists of the “Positivus” festival will be announced a week after the National Day.

Although the pandemic has paralyzed concert life around the world, young artists have strengthened their international popularity thanks to social platforms. (A $ AP Rocky resonated in the 2019 festival program). Will we be able to hear any of these big words in Lucavsala, the organizer of the festival Ģirts Majors was evasive: “We will see what the pandemic has changed when concert life resumes. The festival cannot qualify for one superslavenāko artist. It is very important that the whole two-day program creates an interesting overall offer. The festival is not a concert of one artist. At the same time, our announced program for 2019 generated a new level of interest, reflected in record sales until the pandemic. In our program, we try to present the current and new in the world’s popular music, as well as the exciting and high-quality – these are the two directions that are the most important for the festival. Following the trends, we try to make the program interesting to the widest possible audience. “

Asked about ticket prices and challenges, Major said:

“Directly, ticket prices will not be cheaper. They will not become more expensive.

The new venue in Riga, Lucavsala, will make the festival more accessible – the costs of getting there and living will be easier. The biggest challenge is to create confidence and a feeling that this concept of the festival city can be just as interesting for the part of the audience that is used to the festival in Salacgriva. “

“After the unique and unforgettable 13 years in Salacgrīva, during which the popular music and art festival” Positivus “has become a special event in the lives of many people, in 2022 it will usher in a new era and will continue to take place in Riga. “The festival is so impressive that sometimes it’s hard to believe it, and to name a few is hard to say. We are happy for everyone who has experienced at least one of the festival’s concerts, because we know that these memories do not disappear so easily,” said the festival. organizers.

The organizer of the festival Ģirts Majors says about the decision to organize the festival in Riga: “It must be said that we have been thinking about organizing the festival in Riga for many years, but Salacgriva has a special place and habit, we want to see the festival get fiercer and visitors also have more and more choice in terms of attending concerts, so we need to think about how the festival could develop and continue to grow.

In our opinion, the course of the festival in the largest city in Latvia and the Baltics will give our festival great opportunities for the future. ”

“This is great news for Riga and our city’s entrepreneurs. Every metropolis needs big events that promote tourism, benefit the city’s cafes, hotels and merchants. The Positivus festival will also provide an additional opportunity to promote Riga to the world, strengthening our city’s image beyond Latvia. And finally – the course of the festival in the capital of Latvia will mean a lot of unforgettable and positive emotions for all of us! ” emphasizes the Mayor of Riga Mārtiņš Staķis (“About! / Progressive”).

“Positivus” is the largest festival of popular music and art in the Baltics, which has taken place in Salacgrīva since 2007 and has gathered up to 30,000 music lovers from Latvia and abroad every day of the festival.

According to the festival’s website, talks are underway with all artists who are ready to participate in the 2022 festival from 2020 and also in 2021. The first announcements of the 2022 program are expected in the autumn.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Positivus Festival did not take place in the summer of 2020 and 2021.

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