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The Ferrari 50 Showcased by Romina Power: A Unique Piece of History

Romina Power- autoruote4x4.com

The historic Italian singer proudly showed off her Ferrari, a unique piece that almost no one can own.

One of the greatest icons of Italian music and beyond is Romina Power. The 74-year-old, born in the United States in Los Angeles, but naturalized Italian after moving to the beautiful country at a very young age, she has always been at the center of the music and cinema scene. Consequentially even his private life has often ended up under the magnifying glass.

The marriage with Al Bano, with whom he continues to share the stage in various musical performances, and their subsequent separation has always been at the center of gossip. What then caused even more of a stir among the couple was the disappearance of his daughter Ylenia in 1994, about which even today, almost 30 years later, very little is known. This was also probably one of the causes of the divorce between the two.

Despite her advanced age, however, Romina continues to remain in the spotlight. The singer is always very active on social media, where he shares moments of everyday life as well as nostalgic memories. Among these, Power showed off a personal possession that no one had ever noticed. It’s her Ferrari, of which she is very proud. It is a unique piece, which no sheik will ever be able to drive.

The Ferrari showcased by Romina Power

Not long ago the singer published a post on Instagram in which she was portrayed Ferrari 50accompanied by the writing in the description ”My Ferrari”. The historical model in Romina’s possession was pictured in a simple parking lot.

Fire red in colour, the Prancing Horse coat of arms is present on the back. The post immediately went around the webliterally driving his most ardent fans crazy, which now they also discovered a passion for engines of the television character.

The Ferrari 50 showcased by Romina Power – autoruote4x4.com

Not just cars for Romina

Al Bano’s ex-wife’s passion for motors certainly doesn’t stop at 4 wheels. More recently she in fact she was photographed aboard a Vespa 50.

Power posted the photo once again, remembering those old moments with such nostalgia. In fact, in the post she wrote: ”I met an old friend who had been renovated! Memories of when in the 60s we walked around Rome together without a license and without a helmet!”

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2023-11-13 06:30:25
#Romina #Power #proud #Ferrari #sheik #world #drive #autoruote4x4.com

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